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Rosé sat on the chair in a plain white room opposite to him, holding a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other, as she looked at him who was playing with Rubik's cube. A satisfied expression on his face as a little smile appeared on his lips when he solved the puzzle. How could a devil have a face of an angel? She thought to herself as she watched him smile softly, he looked so innocent but rose knew better, this man was far from it. He was a killer.

"Mr. Park" she called his name as she adjusted her glasses. He looked up towards her indicating that he was listening. Rose paused for a moment, she felt as if this room was suffocating her, her throat was getting dry as she spoke again.

"Why did you kill Miss Kim Jisoo?"

His smile widened as he looked down towards his hands, hiding his eyes... Those eyes that where filled with sadness, his grip on the cube tightened.

"My love never loved me back."


The killer

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The killer

The victim

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The victim

The doctor

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The doctor

The security

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The security

The security

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The nurse

The nurse

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The ex


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