Chapter One: Lost

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The Sweet Sound of Silence, that's all you could hear. All around you was a vest field Darkness. Time travel slowly, slower than the River Styx. You wish you could find someone around you but all there was, was nothing. On and on you went like this with no purpose. Until one day, something finally broke the darkness. At first it was subtle, barely noticeable so faint and if it wasn't for the fact that you didn't even know what imagination was anymore, you would think you were dreaming. Then the noise grew louder. Seeing there was truly someone else or something else in here with you in this vast, dark Forest of nothingness. Eventually the noise grew, you began hoping you would meet the noises owner, it's creator. This is all the hope you held your small faithless heart. Eventually the sharp ringing was all you could hear, sometimes it even felt as if you can see the rings of sound flowing through the air, it's the noise pierced your eardrums. Everything you remembered begin to fade away even your name, all right it was (Y/N) at least you think it was. You did not know, but there was feeling growing inside of you, the name you did not know nor where it came from. Maybe, is the same thing that person felt, what seems to be so long ago. Eventually you began to have a few other feelings too, not just emotional but physical. Your body began to feel like it carried some weight, but you do not know how. In this new reality you were developing everything was strange, foreign, you knew nothing was ever going to be the same. But what was the same? By now you cannot remember your name. You faintly remember what you looked like and what you used to do but slowly that was all Fading Away. Nothing could stop this process, because the louder the ringing became the more you forgot. Maybe this was for the best, it would have been true except that the only memory you can remember completely is in the back of your mind. That day, when you spent those moments, those minutes, those hours in the Panic Room. Everything else that's ever happened to you was a blur except for that one single day. You wish you could forget it but whoever was doing this to you would not let you. Maybe this is for a greater purpose if it was you would gladly follow along, if it meant you were actually worth something.
Then one day, the ringing stopped. Your eyelids feel heavy and you could feeling fluttering. Finally you force them open. You lie on the forest for an unfamiliar territory, and the worst part of all is that you are alone. This, was a feeling you don't recognize but you wish you did. As you slowly stomach to your feet, you realize you were lost. It was nothing you could do but choose one direction, any direction. So you picked one and began walking. Right when you were about to lose hope a light Shone through the darkness. The ringing started again, this time you could really hear it, it wasn't only in your head. You followed the sound through the forest finally know your purpose paying attention to your surroundings. The trees rose on for what seemed to be forever.  There were also the flowers, they ranged from black to blue and from red to white. They grew everywhere, in the trees, on the trees, many were small, but A few that grew on the ground stretched upwards about the same height as the average tree. Others grew to curl up the trees like a snake around its prey, running up as far as the eye could see. The View on itself is breathtaking, is amazing that a place like this exist in the world, looking like something out of a fairy tale. As you reached out to touch the flower though, it withered under your touch the entire Forest did. Dead within seconds, all because of One Touch. The entire thing was an illusion, a joke. Why would someone create a beautiful Forest just so it could fall so suddenly? Maybe it was a trap to drive in unsuspecting visitors like yourself and trick them into staying forever. Or maybe just a sick cruel joke. You gave up on finding explanation now that you knew you needed to find the source of the ringing sound the more and more you walk through the withering Forest, the louder the ringing sound became in your ears. The closer you became, the more the pain stung in your ears you wished it would stop but you knew you were going to find the source could not. You continue searching and searching and searching your feet heavy on the forest floor. Though the ringing became louder the farther you traveled you never seem to grow closer. It was tiring but you knew you had to go on kept walking and Newfound ache in your feet. Until you reach the clearing and their new center stood a man. He was as tall as the trees, though you could no tell who was taller. The man bent down on one knee giving you a better look at him, most would have been terrified of him you found him interesting. You could tell there were others around but since you could not see them he paid no attention to them. When the man back down you got a better look at him realize he was wearing a tux, with a blood red tie and a white undershirt. You both stared back and forth each other for seemed like minutes though could have been hours or even days. You are unsure of how long you stare at each other but when he put out his hand to you, you accepted taking his hand and walking beside the dressed up man with no face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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