Final Chapter...

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The eight of us sat in a small circle, in the soft, grainy sand by the sea. Long Island Sound was glittering in the sun, and sea brushed against the shore in gentle waves.

I looked around the group, and it was amazing to see that, for once, everyone was happy and content.

Jason, even though he was still recovering, had Piper and that's all he needed. Nico, who still had a sad look in his eyes, was looking at Thalia like he was truly in love with her, and that's all the mattered. Leo didn't need to crack a joke or say something sarcastic for us to know that he was happy, the way he looked at Calypso assured that.

And me and Annabeth... Me and Annabeth had never been so happy in our short mainly miserable life's. We had each other, and we loved each other. And we had Zöe.

And that's all the mattered.

I'd be lying if I said we weren't scarred from all that had happened over the past few months. Lying if I said that we weren't still hurting in our own ways.

Lying if I said that we all weren't broken.

But that's okay.

We're broken, but we're okay.

We have each other, the eight of us (nine including Zöe) are our own little family.

And we may fight, we may argue, and we definitely will go through some hard times.

But we will always stick together, and we'll be okay in the end.

Broken (PJ Fanfic written by Tyler Jane Smith)Where stories live. Discover now