Chapter 5: Dinner's Canceled

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Mom!" Shade screamed into his cell phone. "MOM! PICK UP!"

"Shade!"Sonia screamed from her end, "What's wrong?"

"LOOK UP AT THE SKY!" was his reply. Shade heard his mom gasp over the phone, "MOM! WHAT DO I DO?" He was starting to panic. He had never been in a situation like this before. But of course, Earth had only been in this situation once before as well.

"Find your sister and get Manic's jeep. He should have his drumsticks."


"You'll find out when you find Manic. Now, find your sister!"

"YES MA'AM!" Shade hung up the phone and ran back into the school for his sister. "Let's hope she's not looking at Lucas and had the same idea as mom."

"Lucas!" Crystal screamed as her crush was slammed into the lockers. He had tried to attack one of the black and red creatures which had busted its way through the wall. It had made a grab for Crystal. They boy was brave but he was no match for the creature when its massive arm slammed him into the lockers. Crystal ran over to him. He was out cold with a bit of blood coming from his mouth and a big bruise on the back of his head. Crystal tried to pick him up but he was too heavy for her to pick up. "Please, Lucas!" she began to sob that she might not be able to get him out.

The creature turned its attention back to Crystal. The little plant had been a minor annoyance, now it had nothing to distract it from her.

"Crystal!" yelled three voices down the hall. She saw behind the creature her brother Shade and her cousins, Whirl and Storm.

Both boys looked exactly like their dads except the small traits from their mothers. Whirl was just younger version of Sonic with mischievous nature and a love for comedy. He looked like his father except his quills were ruffled in the front. Storm looked exactly like his dad (Manic) even his quills stood up but were far thicker. But from his mom (Sally Acorn) he had inherited her fur color and a good bit of her personality like her get ability to reason and leadership abilities.

"Hey! Ugly!" yelled Whirl. He ran around the beast with his usual cocky smile. Crystal saw Storm with a fire extinguisher ready aimed at the creature. Whirl turned the creature right in front of Storm and his fire extinguisher.

"You wanted something well here's something!" out of the extinguisher came a torrent of foam that went straight into the beast's eyes. The beast roared in pain and fury. It roared so loud that Crystal could barely hear her brother's words.

"HURRY UP, LOVER GIRL! LET'S GO!" She didn't need to be told twice. She and Whirl carried Lucas out of the hallway. He was still out cold and there was more blood coming from his mouth.

"Please God," she prayed, "let him live!" they got him out of the school where Manic and Sally were fighting the black aliens. They put Lucas in the very back of Manic's jeep. Crystal sat with him as Storm went up to the front of the car and punched a few buttons on the dashboard. Instantly a holosheild came around the jeep. Crystal saw Strom's parents battle the creatures; Manic had his drumsticks and somehow they were manipulating the earth. Sally had a gun in her hand and was shooting the creatures with expert marksmanship. "Aunt Sally," Crystal yelled over the loud sounds of battle, "where did you learn to shot like that?"

Sally smiled as she shot down one of the aliens. "Picked it up," was her reply and she continued to open fire on the enemy. "Oh and kids," she said again a little smile on her face, "dinner's canceled."

After Manic and Sally had dispatched the aliens around the school (which they did in five minutes) they immediately got in the jeep and headed off to what Sally called "New Knothole". The kids didn't question their aunt. They only hoped for the rest of their family and friends safety. The two people in particular in Crystal's mind were mom and Lucas. She knew her mother would be okay but she couldn't stop worrying about her. Her father had died before she had been born and he was said to be immortal. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her mother too. But Lucas she didn't know that he was going to be alright. He had taken the hit for her and had known the danger. And now he was in danger and it was her fault. She prayed he would be alright. Maybe Cosmo would now how to heal him. She hoped so.

"Sis! You can't go out there!" yelled Sonic at his sister. She had arrived hoping to find her children with Manic and Sally safe at the new safe house. When she had discovered that they hadn't arrived yet, she was angry and was ready to march right back out into Station Square and fight the Black Arms herself until her children were with her. "They will be her any minute and you'll get yourself killed out th-"

Sonia pulled her gun out of her holster that she had put on as soon Shade had told what was going on and pointed it towards her brother. "Sonic," she said as the anger in it made it crack some, "Shadow once said, 'If you try and stop me, I'll kill you,' the same goes for me. No one, not even my older brother is going stop me from going out there to find my children." She put her gun back in its holster. She went over to the door and punched in the code to leave: Shadow the hedgehog. The door slide open and there stood Manic, Sally, Whirl, Storm the twins and Lucas in Manic's arms unconscious. "MY BABIES!" she screamed and hugged her children tightly like they were made of water and would escape if she let go.

"Mom!" gagged Crystal.

"We can't breathe."

She loosened her hold and would have continued her hug on her children, but Cosmo knocked her aside trying to get to her own child. She was in her adult form now with the blooms on the side of her head in full bloom and her hair stretched to her waist. "LUCAS!" she screamed. Tails took his son from Manic's arms and asked them what had appended. Tails was now twenty-nine now, his fur was a little longer and he was as tall as Sonic, and there was a long scar that stretched from above his left eye to his chin. Crystal told Uncle Tails that he had been knocked into lockers by one of the big aliens. Cosmo and Tails immediately took their son in the back of the room to see what they do for him.

Now that Shade was here, he could see what 'New Knothole' was. It was a bunker under an old factory in downtown Central City. The room they were in was some very good rendition of the bat cave. There were computers of every shape and size all around the room with light that could shame many casinos at night. On every spare part of the wall were maps of places all around the world and some of the maps were on tables in the center of the room. In the back was giant screen with knobs, dials, keyboards, joysticks all around it and large sign above the screen that said, Prower Command. The screen seemed to be off. But it then clicked to life. Light filled the screen and slowly started to clear to reveal a man's form. It was a man with dark brown, messy hair and brown eyes. He was serious faced and wore a long black trench coat and on it color were three gold stars. "General Prower?" His voice was cold yet very serious. "General, come in!"

Tails rushed out of the back room. He sat in the chair and put the Bluetooth in his ear. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander. My son came in injured and I was tending to him."

The Commander nodded his head. "I am sorry to hear this. But we must move on. Have you deployed your troops yet, General?"

Tails allowed himself a smile. "Those bastards won't escape my robots. Mine are far superior to Eggman's. And of course we have your back-up plan." A scowl replaced Tails smile and he looked intently at the Commander. "Your back-up plan is ready, I gather?" The Commander inclined his head ever so slightly. "Good, I don't want to have to resort to it but we will if necessary."

The Commander's scowl lifted somewhat. "Tails, we don't have Shadow this time to do the fighting for us this time. We will have to do the dirty work ourselves. I will do everything in my power to send these demons back to Hell where they belong. I too do not wish to have to resort to Plan B but if my men, your robots, and your comrades, can't stop them then there will be no choice. Off that note, I would like to announce joyous news." The Commander's half lifted scowl turned into a grin of pure euphoria. "I and Cm. Sharon Loveless are engage to married soon!"

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