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Blaine's POV

I paced around the room. I need to find a way to get out of here. The nurse I had bitten laid on the ground next to the leg of the hospital bed. I had tried numerous times to escape but that ended up in my doors and windows being bolted shut. I tried my strength to break open the door but not even that worked.

The main reason I want to get out is to see my mate. I heard she woke up. The whole week she was in a coma, I thought I was going to loose her. The second reason I wanted to leave is to get back to my pack. I heard that Casper found 15 more humans in our territory . He hid them in the basement so that Delfy won't get any ideas. Not only that, but the humans are going to attack.

I want to be there to lead my pack. If I miss that fight, I will kill people.

I heard the door unlocking. The doctor stepped in. " Mr. BloodHound, you have visitors." The doctor stepped through the door. I narrowed my eyes at her. " When do I get to leave?" I bark at her. " You leave tomorrow. And trust me, we won't miss you."

" The feelings mutual!" I scream at her as she leaves. I felt weak, being bossed around by a girl. And a human girl at that. A couple seconds later, Delfy steps through the door with her friend. . . Rebecca or something. " You look like shit." I say to her. I was acting like a complete jerk. I know.

But I didn't want to make it obvious that I was actually worried about her and that I missed her. She scoffed. " Good to know that you have my back, pigface."

" Look, we didn't come here to have a rash battle. We-Delfy came to tell you something." Rebecca says while trying to avoid my contact. Good. At least someone is still actually scared of me. She pushed Delfy forward a little to me. I looked at her expectantly. " CasperhitmyheadagainstthewallwhenIslappedhimnowRubythinksthatsomethingweirdisgoingon."

I raised an eyebrow at her. " What?"

Rebecca nudged her. My mate let out a sigh of defeat. " Casper hit my head against the wall when I slapped him. That's obviously not the Casper that we know, Ruby thinks this has to do with the humans. She says that weird stuff is going on everywhere."

A murderous growl escaped my lips. I pushed them. And with all the strength I had, I broke the door down. I ran past the bitchy doctor on the way. She tried to grab my arm but ended up being dragged by me. She fell to the floor and screamed at a nearby nurse to catch me. This was probably the fastest I ever ran in my life.

Casper was going to get it.

I ran into the woods and shifted into my wolf while I jumped over a log-not caring that I ripped my clothes. I ran into the territory and ran for about 30 minutes before coming up to Casper. He was about to go into the dungeons but he spotted me. He stopped and waved. " Hey ma-"

I jumped on him and with another murderous growl, I started tearing out his insides. I wasn't going to kill him. I need my beta and with everything happening right now, I wouldn't have time to replace him. But I wanted to put him in his place. Did he think he can hurt my mate and we would still be best buddy's?

He started screaming at me. " Ahh! What are you doing!?!? Ahh!" My fur was covered in blood by now. A small crowd had formed around us. Casper started coughing up blood. I heard some people scream. Oh, he'll be fine. Among the crowd, were Rebecca, Delfy, Emma-with an evil smirk in her face, and a couple other people.

" Stop get off of him!" Delfy screamed. She knew better than to get close to me because she stayed back. Casper was unconscious and a small pool of blood was surrounding him. Serves him right. I backed away from him and growled at everyone-telling them through mind-link to scram. Some people's eyes widened and they scurried off. Even Emma left. Surprisingly.

" You fucking bastard!" Delfy yelled at me. I would have rolled my eyes at that. She looked at Casper on the ground. " Come an help me Ruby!" She screamed at Rebecca-who I guess her name is Ruby. I go behind a tree and shift. I throw on basketball shorts. I go back to where Delfy and Ruby are struggling to get Casper off the ground.

My mate runs up to me and starts hitting my chest-causing sparks. It actually tickles. " Your a monster! Rot in hell!" She screamed at me. I grabbed her wrist as she was about to hit my chest again. I pushed her up against a tree and leaned down to whisper in her ear. " If you do that one more time, it won't end pretty for you."

I felt her shudder under me. A smirk played across my lips. I stepped back and went back to being serious. " Ok, show me where he hit you." I demanded. She looked disappointed at my sudden action. She showed me anyway. I moved her hair out of the way and looked down at her head. A little of dried blood sat at the top, some of it in her hair. Her head looked a little smushed in. How hard did Casper hit her head?

She winced as I ran a finger over the spot. " That gives me a better reason to kill him!" I started shaking in anger. " She grabbed my arm. " What you did to Casper was still worng! He's your best friend, you almost killed him!"

" Well now we're even. He hurt you so I think it's fair that I hurt him."

" Guys, a little help here!" Ruby screamed from behind me.


The hospital sent me the bill. $5,000. Casper said that he didn't know what he was doing when he did what he did to Delfy. Bullshit.

I went to visit that huamn I have locked up. After I heard that Delfy actually started feeding him, I installed a security system. The human kept talking to himself. " She is going to hate me. When she finds out, I'm over."

Whatever that is supposed to mean? I don't know. But I do know that I suspect him more than ever now.


Freightower Pack got attacked. Their luna died because her mate-the alpha- was off fighting. I'm keeping Delfy by my side 24/7. Ruby was right, something is going on. There has been a lot of peple acting weird in this pack.

Last night, a group of about 9 people just randomly walked past the house 4 times. Everytime they passed, they looked up at the window that I was at, staring back at them. I am going to find out what is happening.

Delfy's POV

I'm falling for pigface faster than I thought. Let me explain. . .

Bye. (: JK!
This chapter isn't edited, sorry for any mistakes. I came home late from school and had to do homework -_- so I wrote the chapter but didn't have time to edit it. :(

Tomorrows chapter will be SUPER long and filled with drama!!

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