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Deadpool was still laying on the ground whining about his hurt crotch.

"Come on I wanna hurry up and get home."

I miss Dax.

"Maybe I would go faster if I had a kiss to heal me," deadpool smiled innocently.


"Pwetty pwease?"

Just do it so we can get our stuff.

"Fine," I said answering both.

I got to my knees so I could align my head with his. I went to lift his mask, bit he stopped me quickly.

"No I'd rather keep it on."

I was slightly confused.

Just go with it he's strange but I think I understand.


I leaned in and kissed his warm mask. His lips felt like they had bumps in them, but he pulled away before I could make sure.

"Yay!" He said excitedly as he jumped up and began running to food again.

"Is he seriously running again. Did we not just go over this?"

I can't believe he lied about being hurt.

I stood up and began walking again making sure deadpool was where I could see him, since he was the one leading us to food.

"I can believe he lied," I said exasperatingly.

You know we could have kept up with him if you had brought your bike.

"Why didn't you remind me when I could!"


I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I opened them deadpool was gone.

"Hey, where did EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

deadpool snuck behind me and grabbed my back and knees lifting me into the air.

"Deadpool!! Put me down!!"

"Nope you're too slow."

I am terrified of being dropped so I put my arms around his neck and shoved my face in his chest. He smelled like rancid tacos and gun powder.

"I should do this more often if this is the result I get."

"I will kill you," I said through gritted teeth.

"Better men have tried."

Well at least he hasn't raped us...yet.

"Oh come on."

"Hmmmmm?"deadpool questioned.


"Oh okay. Hey wanna hold on tighter I feel a boner coming on."

I looked up at him astounded. Then decided saying something would just end with another strange comeback and held on tighter. Deadpool then stopped and I realized we had made it to our destination. A Mexican restaurant, I should have guessed.

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