Peter gets quill to make him a mixtape.

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Notes: listen to with the awesome mixtape, which can be found on Spotify and YouTube. If people want me to add it to the story I will. Enjoy this random thing! :)
edit: I was looking back on this and I should have named it if you give a peter a peter.

Peter walked into class with headphones on listening to the amazing tape, which quill had let him borrow for the day, but made peter swear not to break it.

He was in a good mood, obviously because he was listening to the awesome tape. Ned looked over at peter when he sat down. "You seem happy." Peter nodded, though he could barely hear Ned and said slightly too loud, "Star lord is in town and he gave me his mixtape!"

Ned nodded in shock, "You know someone named star lord? Right, of course you do." Peter slid through his classes, dancing down the halls.

He completely ignored the looks he got. "What do you think your doing Parker! You look stupid!" Flash yelled at him in the hall. Peter was amazed. He would usually get annoyed but with the mix tape he just retorted smoothly, " Aw man, some people have told me we look alike!"

Flash looked steaming as peter slid past him and to his next class. "Peter you have to take the headphones off. Peter- Peter!" Peter slid into his seat, " Whatever you say Mr. Harrington."

Peter slid the headphones so they were resting on his neck. The music was so loud he could still slightly hear it.

Peter tuned out his teacher and started thinking about going on patrol. At lunch peter sat down listening to his music eating the chicken tenders they were serving at lunch. They some how tasted better.

MJ started at peter for a second before turning to Ned, " What's with him?" Ned shrugged, he didn't really know but he was rolling with it, "Something about a star lord and a mix tape." MJ nodded, unsurprised, " I mean, it's peter."

Peter couldn't hear them and just continued to bop his head while stuffing his face. MJ half grinned. Peter ran into decathlon practice and let himself slid a bit on the smooth floor.

He got to his seat and answered all of the practice questions, with enthusiasm. "That would be 8x!" Peter started bopping his head as the chorus came to the song he was listening to.

MJ just nodded, "next question." When school was out, Peter jumped down the school steps as he saw quill in a car. (Does quill have a license? Idk) MJ and Ned trailed after him.

He slid over to the car, dancing on his way. Quill smiled. Peter finger gunned him, "This mixtape is amazing!" Quill nodded, "hence the name- it better be in good shape!"

Peter pulled the mixtape out of his pocket. Ned and MJ stopped at the car. Peter smiled, "Ned, MJ, this is starlord, or quill. Quill this is Ned and MJ. You guys can get in the back."
MJ raised an eyebrow, "So your the one who gave him the mixtape. He's been dancing around school all day." Quill smiled, "Well, he learns from the best."

And that was that.

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