chapter 29: recovery

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[1 month later]

Tzuyu woke up, her eyes a little blurry as she hadn't opened her eyes since the battle ended. Moving her arms, she could feel she was being immersed in some kind of liquid. Looking downwards, she saw she was in a bath tub, full of blood.

Turning her head to the right side, she saw one fresh blood pack, slowly stretching her arm towards the blood pack. She's still weak, though, that her arms are just trembling when she reached out her hand.

"Awake on your birthday, eh?" Someone picked up the blood pack and gave it to her.

"Thanks, Jihyo," Tzuyu's voice was a little hoarse, then she teared open the blood pack and drank a few mouthful before she started the conversation, "it's already one month since I've fainted?"

"Yeah. They were very worried, especially Sana. She'd been waiting. How are you feeling?" Jihyo asked.

Another few mouthful of blood before Tzuyu continued again, "I feel quite okay, just still a little weak."

"You should need another four months of recovery. I've already planned some therapy for you," said Mrs Chou.

"Aunt Chou," Jihyo greeted.

"Mum!" Tzuyu couldn't help but gave a big smile.

"I'm glad you've recovered quite a lot. I think you still need another two weeks of blood bath, then we should start on the therapy. In the mean time, your headmaster have granted you holidays until next year, but you'll still be in the same class as you're friends," said Mrs Chou, smiling slightly.

"When's the sports carnival? Isn't it supposed to be on May?" Tzuyu asked.

Jihyo raised her brows, not expecting Tzuyu to ask about the sports carnival between high schools. "Well, because of some reason, they decided to postpone it to August. Why?"

"Ah, nothing..."

"By the way, happy birthday Tzuyu!" said Jihyo, smiling.

"Thanks," Tzuyu smiled shyly, showing her dimples off. "Never thought I could survive until my birthday. I thought I was going to..." Her voice faded.

Mrs Chou patted her head, "don't think too much Tzuyu, you've survived, and will never have been better. What do you still remember before you fainted?"

"You know, just Mr Song bringing his sword down, someone came rushing into the circle of duo, then he stopped his sword, I used my remaining energy to speed myself up to your side. Then...yeah, I fainted."

"According to my observation, you body is currently weak because you overused too much of your powers, particularly your limbs being affected the most. So you can't do too much heavy work but you will recover slowly from our therapy for sure," said Mrs Chou.

"Do you still remember you have two powers upon maturity?" Jihyo asked curiously.

Tzuyu nodded, "my blood controlling power and the speed, right? I still don't understand why would I have two, though?"

"Lady Kim explained that your primary power - which is developed naturally for your maturation, but sped up somehow, probably because you were starved of blood, so you had acquired your power before your maturation - your birthday, which is today. For your speed, however, it is due to the extreme conditions you are facing - extreme hunger, battling with Song. And of course, another factor which add on to this is the vampire candy. We all know that we couldn't eat more than two in a day as it will bring side effects to us, but since you're under extreme starvation, two is enough to bring side effects to you. Therefore, under these conditions, you have acquired the induced-power upon maturity, and the power is up to you that you have a strong will to have the power of speed - that's how you get two powers," Mrs Chou explained.

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