Chapter 35

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I walked into the kitchen where Danny was leaning against the counter looking down at his mug.

"You okay?" he looked over his shoulder and nodded slightly but I knew something was bothering him.

"Tell me what's wrong" Danny sighed and sat down on one of the chairs by the table "its just everything going on. our dad, you and Harry, Sam... just everything..." he ran a hand through his hair stressfully.

Harry's POV

"Hurry up" why did Mel had to pick a day where the Starbucks in town is full. Me and Niall were waiting at the table for our drinks that we ordered 10 minutes ago.

"Harry calm down" Niall put his phone away and gave me a stern look. I sighed and looked out the window.

My phone started to go off so I answered it without checking the caller i.d "hello?"

"Harry" I say up straight in the chair and Niall looked over at me worriedly.

"Sam?" Sam chucked on the other side "sound surprised to hear from me"

"Danny said you were dead" Sam sighed on the other side "Jack didn't kill me, hurt me yes but not killed"

"Harry are you with Melissa?" the guy at the counter called our names and Niall got up to get our order as we made our way outside.

"No, why?" I heard Sam curse on the other side "Harry they know about the safe house" I stopped dead in my tracks which caused Niall to stop as well.

"How?" how can they know about it?

"I heard Flynn on the phone to someone, he's on their side Harry"

"That fucker!" when I see that guy I am so going to kill him.

"I'm on my way right now but they might already be in the city"

A/N: short I know, this is just kinder like a filler.

I would like to thank you for the 3.3k reads!

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