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Man, depressing times thinking about someone you miss but can't do anything about it because they hate you :))

Also, can you guys see the numbers in the chapter titles? I'm writing •*<4>*•, but it'll only show •**• when I get notifications for chapters or when I view this as a reader

Y/n's POV

I stared at the folded paper with a concentrated look on my face. If anyone were to see me now, they'd think I was trying to move it with my mind. My eyes were glued to the paper, cold and unblinking, my eyebrows brought slightly together. Thoughts ran through my mind, making a mental pros and cons list.

In front of me on my desk sat the To Die List, still folded. It had been the first time I had touched it since I made it. After ignoring it for so many weeks, I had finally let the urge to take it out of my desk drawer take over. For the past week the urge had gotten stronger, feeding on ideas on someone I could do it with. Still, I wasn't sure if I could.

The same person popped into my head every time. Hell, they were the only person I talked to at school, even if it's just to make time pass by. Ethan, the boy next to me in third hour, could possibly be the one to make this list happen. Though we've only talked for two weeks in the only class we had together, I feel we had gotten rather close. Not close enough to call each other friends, but closer than calling each other 'That one next to you in third hour.'

I wanted to do these things with him, it could give me an actual friend, but I couldn't get the thought of me asking him and ruining any chance of progressing our friendship. If I never asked, though, I could miss out on a chance to get closer to him. He was the only person who talked to me and, frankly, seemed the only person cool enough to be right for this.

Finally, I move my eyes from the paper and stare out of my window. Opposite me, behind my desk, was a large window with the view of the house next door. Thankfully, the house wasn't so close to mine that it was all I could see. There was some distance between our houses, giving me the opportunity to see the subdivision we lived in. The darkness outside didn't make it a struggle for me to see out the window due to the bright street lamps lining the road. In the road where it curved around into a circle, a group of kids were playing basketball with a hoop far too tall for their hight. The people in neighborhood all knew each other very well and, no matter who you were, everyone gathered together to play basketball often. The adults, the teenagers, the kids; everyone. If you weren't athletic, it was fine, no one played with a serious mindset. It was all fun and games with these people which is what I loved most about living here.

Sighing, I lazily grab the list and stare at it for a moment. Butterflies and excitement filled my stomach as I made a decision and stuffed it in my bag for school tomorrow morning.

*                    *                    *

A long, silver platinum wig sat on my head, a black beanie pulled over it. I walked into school with confidence and dark bags under my eyes as I did every morning. One if the side effects of decadron was difficulty in sleeping. Most nights are difficult for me to sleep because of it, but my parents made sure I took it. They knew I saw no point in the medicine and, because of that, they had to be there when I took it.

"Y/n, you know the rules." The guidance councilor, Mr. Drouk, warned, pointing to his head as to tell me to take my hat off.

I don't stop, but turn around and walk backwards. "I have cancer." I shrug, turning back around to walk normally. I could see his annoyed face in my head as I walked away with a smirk.

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