( chapter six )

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CHERRY HAD REALIZED AFTER TWO WEEKS THAT THE PERSON WHO WAS BRINGING HER MORNING COFFEE WASN'T TONY, WHO WAS BUYING THEM, BUT INSTEAD PEPPER. Due to the simple fact that, for one, it was a rare occasion that Tony actually showed up to Stark Industries before ten at the earliest, but the one time her coffee was set on a gossip magazine. Te front page had a very... pornographic picture of Tony at some club with a girl against a wall. You couldn't see a lot, not anything inappropriate, but Tony was pressed in close between the woman's thighs and her head was thrown back against the wall, caught in mid-moan. 

Renee gave her a sad look, pointed over her shoulder, where a couple of her colleague were standing there and giggling. So, Cherry just smiled, waved her fingers at them, sitting down, and tossing both the magazine and the coffee. She really didn't want to deal with any of their petty bullshit, so she immediately got to work, ignoring their stares. 

Still, the picture made her heart hurt a little in her chest and that made her angry because Tony wasn't hers. So, now she was in an even more terrible mood and didn't have coffee -- which she was addicted to, she knows. This day was just not going how she had hoped.

To say she was more than ready for her lunch break was an understatement. Her and Pepper had plans to go to some new cafe that had opened just down the block that both of them had shown interest in. From the time she had walked with Renee to the sandwich shop nearby, it looked like the cafe was very open, had a brick wall behind the cashier and barista station, and had loads upon loads of pastries and sandwiches and , the best thing, coffees. A row of chalkboards posted to said brick wall filled with orders and calligraphy and drawings. Cherry had felt her mouth water and the caffeine buzz just from looking into the place. 

But, today was one of those days, so of course Obadiah needed to see her in his office before her lunch break. To add on to whatever mojo was making this day so bad, her phone started to vibrate in the pocket of her blazer just as she was about to walk into his office, with only enough time to check that it was Tony calling. Who, she could honestly say, she did not want to talk to right now. And maybe that was being petty like her co-workers, but Cherry really didn't care at the moment.

"Cheryl!" Obadiah called, smiling widely as he stood up from his desk. Behind him was a wall of ceiling to floor windows and she could see a spectacular view of Malibu. There were two sofas to her left with a coffee table between them, one of those drink cart/tables sitting nearby, a crystal bottle of some amber liquor sitting atop. If anything, Cherry would guess it was scotch. And the expensive kind, not the one her dad used to drink and pretend he was superior with. She was knocked out of her thoughts by Obadiah's hand on her shoulder, not even realizing that he had made her way over to her. The phone in her pocket stopped vibrating, only to start up again a second later. "What are you doing for lunch?"

Cherry blinked at him, "Pepper and I were going to a cafe. I'm sorry, Mr. Stane, but it's too late for me to cancel on Pepper to work through lunch." 

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