Chapter 25

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~I'll never finish falling in love with you~

Light floods into the hotel room from the balcony doors. I look around after rubbing my eyes of any excess sleep. My eyes land on a landmark that I hope stays forever. It begins to move. Then the landmark holder turns around and smiles at me lovingly.

"Liking the view," he observed while readjusting his Calvins.

"Loving it, actually," I joked while sitting up. I groaned not being able to see my favorite landmark anymore.

Alessandro pulls up a pair of black slacks while throwing on a white button-up dress shirt. The hotel room bell rings as he buttons up the first three buttons.

"I ordered room service. Put on the robe and I'll set it up on the balcony." He grabs his belt while walking to the door and getting ready.

I look around for a robe to see it laying on Alessandro's side of the bed. How did I not see that?

I shrug it on and tie it up grabbing his tie and blazer on the way out. I set it on the kitchen counter while the room service person wheels the cart of food onto the balcony attached to the lounge area. I go back into the room to grab Alessandro's watch, socks, and loafers.

I set it all down while I grab Alessandro's hand and tell the boy to set it up himself. I lightly push Alessandro on the bar stool and button up the last few buttons.

"Eager are we?" I chuckle while he sits there and waits for me to get him ready.

"Is getting my man ready for work so wrong?" I question with eager eyes. Damn. I'm horny.

"Only when you don't kiss your man," he smirks devilishly handsome. Gotdamn. He really is hot as hell.

"Well, I certainly don't want to do anything wrong while I'm in Paris," I smile deviously as I tighten his tie leaning closer for that kiss. His tongue darts out wanting to be let in. I smile into the steamy kiss as his hand snakes around my butt squeezing slightly to get me to open my mouth. Which worked, fortunately.

I pulled away and squatted to put on his socks as I looked up at him through my eyelashes. From pasts experiences, I knew he liked that.

I slipped his loafers on as he put his blazer on.

I smiled and pecked his nose before running into the room for the last touch. I grabbed my favorite cologne of his and ran back out.

"You are the sexiest smelling beast alive when you wear this," I pant presenting him my prized possession. How the hell am I out of breath?

"Oh, in that case, I have to use it all the time." He sprits some on his body filling my nose with heaven. The bottle had a foreign language so I couldn't tell you what the name of the heaven scent was.

"Let's go eat," I grin at him as the room service boy left with a nod.

I walked to the balcony happier than when I had an Olive Garden breadstick for the first time in five months.

I sat and gazed onto the lovely structure landmarking Paris.

"I love this," I smiled as I grab a croissant.

"I love you," Alessandro mumbles quietly while gazing at me like a lovely painting.

"I love you too," I leaned closer to him as if telling him a secret.

"I know as your first day in Paris you probably want to go sightseeing but I'm so sorry to tell you that you can't. I can't let you out of this room unless you're with me. I have enemies here from a fight a while back. I'm sorry, munchkin. I'll be away all day at work, but I will be back for lunch. Don't worry though, you won't be bored all day. I have signed you up for online school and all you have to do is open the website and learn." He finishes his little speech basically telling me I'm dead if I leave and I'll of boredom if I stay. Well, at least I'll die in Paris.

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