10th floor guy

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To the guy from the 10th floor,

Hi. I saw you again in your usual spot. Our eyes met but I immediately look away. I am afraid that if I'll look longer to your deep eyes, I'll fall and never get up again.

I don't know how it started but I can never forget the moment I saw you for the first time...my heart skipped—I lose my control and all I know is I am staring at your innocent face. You looked my way and smile.

How can I fall with just a smile? That is unfair.

Everynight, I make sure to go down the first floor just to see you...holding your guitar or talking with your friends. Hearing your laughs intoxicates me... I don't know.

Everytime we get close with each other in the elevator, I feel like my world is slowly getting small until it revolves around you...and me... without anyone else.

But who do I think I am?

I am nothing.
The moment the elevator opens, you go back to her... to your world...

and I am left with my own imaginations—that is all I have...

an image of you and me in my mind... just in my mind.

Because no matter how hard I tried, you'll go back to her...to your home in the 10th floor.

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