Thirteen: One Thing

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**Trigger warning. This chapter is also going to be intense and even bloodier. Read with caution. Recommended 13+

Robin P.O.V:

The strange boy sent one last sickening smirk towards Percy, then walked over to the long metal table. Percy strained, leaning forward to see what he was doing. A slight shock was sent to her but she didn't seem in the least bit phased. The boy leaned back from the table, in his hand a small knife. A hunting knife. He then dunked the knife into a jar of dark liquid. Percy's face deflated slightly and I could only guess that the liquid was a type of poison.

"You're very familiar with Gorgons blood, aren't you Perseus?" The boy questioned with a harsh smile. Percy's face fell farther. Her body seemed tense.

"You are aware of its qualities? The amount of pain it inflicts?" The boy walked close to her, waving the knife in her face. All of us rattled in our chains, receiving sharp shocks here and there.

"Yes, I am," Percy answered. "But no matter what you do to me, I will never tell you the code. Ever." Percy looked the boy in the eyes, determination on her face. To our surprise, the boy smiled.

"I know." He said. Percy's eyes widened and she thrashed forward but it was too late. The boy spun on his heel, lunged forward and rammed the knife into Kaldur's shoulder.

All of us lunged forward, straining our chains, only to receive another wave of shocks. Percy began to scream in another language. She thrashed against her chains harder than any of us, enduring round after round of electrocution.

The wound on Kaldur's shoulder began to sizzle and smoke. The smell of burning flesh soon filled the air. With a bloody scream, Kaldur had passed out from the pain.

"That boy is going to die in a few minutes if you don't give me that code. I'll even wake him up. He'll feel every moment of his death." The boy sneered. Percy remained silent. I had no clue what code the psychopath in front of us was talking about, but Percy had endured a level of torture that I had never seen. Whatever this code was, she seemed more than willing to give her life to protect it.

"You're back where you started Perseus. Alone. Afraid. Bloody. Half dead. A wanna-be hero with no backup plan and no help coming. A useless pawn that had gotten the crappy end of a hellish deal. Forgotten. Abandoned. You're still just a pathetic little kid playing the hero. A worthless leader that's only good for one thing; getting children killed." The boy spat at her. Percy seemed to take every word he spoke to heart. Those of us who were conscious didn't really know what to make of what the psychopath said. What exactly happened to Percy before she became our teacher?

"Maybe I am." Percy responded, her voice hard and bitter. She raised her head, looking the boy in the eyes. Her face was blank, completely void of emotion.

"Maybe I am back where I started. An abused, useless, half-dead wanna-be hero with no chance of surviving until tomorrow. A stupid little kid who has no idea what they're doing. A rejected pawn. But I'll tell you what: I am not afraid. I am Perseus Jackson and I am a Hero of Olympus. And I don't think you paid enough attention when you were in my head. Do you know why? Because if there is one thing that is going to be remembered about me, one thing that is going to become my legacy after I die here today, one thing that is going to be tagged to my name as long as the sun burns bright, the one thing you never do; You never mess with my children."

The boy's eyes widened and he stumbled back from her, falling down onto his back. Percy screamed a brutal war cry. The ground began to shake. Rubble rained down from the ceiling. Percy pulled hard on her chains. So hard that I could actually see the inhibitor collar trying to restrain her, see the electricity crackle in the air. Percy simply screamed harder. She pulled until the chains holding her arms snapped. My jaw went slack. What Percy was doing was absolutely impossible.

She staggered to her feet, the collar still shocking her. She grabbed it and ripped it off of her neck. It clattered uselessly to the floor. Percy grabbed the boy by his shirt and pinned him against the wall. Blood dripped down from the hundreds of wounds she had received. As her back was now facing us, I could see just how brutal even those few lashes were. Her entire back was slick with blood, deep gouges ran up and down her back.

"Get. Out." Percy growled at the boy. Not a moment passed before a long shiver ran throughout his body and he went limp. Percy placed the boy on the floor. She staggered across the floor and picked up the remainder of her sweatshirt then shuffled her way towards Kaldur. She grabbed the knife that was still in his shoulder and pulled it out, tossing it to me. I managed to catch it and started working on my handcuffs. She wrapped her shredded sweatshirt around his arm then kneeled in front of him. She took a deep breath then hovered her hand above the wound.

Kaldur began to thrash. Percy cried out in pain, her face scrunched up in concentration. Slowly, a dark, blackish liquid began to exit Kaldur's wound. I had just broken through the first cuff when I almost dropped the knife in awe as Percy extracted the poison from Kaldur's system. Kaldur screamed again, reminding me that I had to get my second cuff off. After a few more painful seconds, I snapped it. Now having better leverage, I was able to cut through the chains on my feet easily. Once I was free, I moved on to the rest of the team.

M'gahn P.O.V:

I watched in a combination of awe and horror as Percy slowly pulled the poison out of Kaldur's blood. I didn't even know Percy had powers, let alone telekinesis like me. I once had to remove a poison from someone's blood. It was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life. It took me hours to get all of it. The wound I worked on had barely been a scratch, it was a slow working poison, and only a very small amount of poison was actually in the bloodstream. The amount of poison that Percy was dealing with, how fast she had to do it if Kaldur was going to live...I honestly couldn't imagine the amount of strength it would take. Not to mention her own condition. For her to even be conscious seemed like a miracle in and of itself.

As soon as Robin cut me free, I rushed to Percy's side. I knelt down next to her and watched in horrid fascination.

"How can I help?" I asked. Percy didn't take her eyes off of her task but, in barely a whisper I heard her speak.

"Help the others. Get them free." Percy winced as she removed another bout of poison.

"Are you sure? I have telekinesis, I can-"

"No." Percy cut me off in a sharp tone. "This poison fights back. You cannot move it. I'm sorry. Please, help the others." I opened my mouth to protest but Percy let out a sharp hiss of pain. I nodded and helped Robin free my teammates.

Slowly but surely, everyone was released from their chains. Superboy and Artemis remained unconscious, but we dragged them over to us so that we were all sitting a circle/lump. After one more agonizing moment, Percy let out a gasp and took a deep breath, as though she had forgotten to breathe. Kaldur stopped twitching.

"Okay." Percy sighed. "We need to get home and we need to go fast. We've wasted too much time already." She reached over and grabbed the boy who had tortured her, who had stabbed Kaldur. Those of us who were awake tensed.

"We're taking him?" Asked Robin, his voice laced with venom. Percy nodded.

"He was under mind control. He wasn't aware of what he did or said." We widened our eyes and looked at the boy. So he was a victim too...

"Okay. Going home is going to be hard. Not impossible, but hard. I need you all to think of the Cave; you especially M'gahn. Think about every little detail. Focus on only the Cave. Now, everyone, grab hands and huddle together." Percy instructed us and we obeyed. We could tell she was in so much pain. We could tell that she was just holding on for us. So we listened. We questioned nothing. We grabbed hands and grabbed each other, hanging together for dear life. We thought of the Cave. Only the Cave. A slight vertigo feeling washed over us, but when we opened our eyes: we were in the living room. Safe. Free. And surrounded by the Justice League.

Teacher, Not Hero (femPercy Jackson X YJ)Where stories live. Discover now