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Since the two female leads, obviously the step sisters, and the step mom are American, they are going to have English sounding names. Same with many of the others. Just so you know.

Sun Hui was stunned. He felt familiar with this person but yet he could tell it wasn't Li Tai or his lover.

"I'm...here?" Sun Hui furrowed his brows in confusion. Who was this person?

The person clinging onto him backed away to reveal a young man with black hair and brown eyes. He looked quite taller than Sun Hui's new height.

"You're never here! You're always off studying at the library until you fall asleep. This is such a rare occurrence!" the young man dramatized. "I must remember this moment that proves our dear Hui Guniang does have a life!"

The other man that came in with him glared pointedly at the strange man, which successfully shut him up and made him obedient.

Sun Hui tried to figure out how he knew this person. Apparently, these two intruders were actually the same roommates that made the original Hui Guniang go drinking the night all Hell broke loose.

They were both freshmen like Hui Guniang, but from completely different countries. The man that had surprised him was Jonathon "Jon" Fredricks from England and the other was Theo Olsen from Norway. Sun Hui could tell without knowing that information because of his stereotypical blonde hair and blue gray eyes. They were both taller than him and looked a few years older than eighteen despite being so. Then again, Sun Hui supposed that was why they got access to alcohol without too much trouble.

"You were looking up BDSM clubs?" Theo asked, eyebrow raised as he held out his phone. He didn't have that much of an accent like Sun Hui was expecting.

"Uh, yeah...just to try it out," he blushed. He really hoped he could find Wang Shuo in one considering he practically owned one in their first world together.

"I know a place, you don't need this," Theo turned off his phone and tossed it to him. "We can leave tonight, if you want?"

"Wait, wait, wait. The place might not be what I'm looking for—"

"This is the local one. Wangzi Miren goes there all the time. Of course, that's supposed to be private information, but I'm not too worried about you rattling off to anyone," Theo shrugged.

"W-Wangzi Miren goes to these places?" Sun Hui's eyes widened. He guessed he was right. Wangzi Miren's description fitted Wang Shuo's first personality way too much for it to be just a coincidence.

"If you're looking for a specific someone, you want to go to this place. You'll miss it in others," Theo said.

"Wait, does this mean you...?"

"On occasion," he glanced at Jon strangely before walking out of the dorm.

Sun Hui knew that by entering another A level world, he would not be able to access information outside the plot and his own. He thought it would be a good thing to get closer to his roommates to find out more information about the world. Since Hui Guniang was anti-social, he didn't really know that much. It seemed they knew a whole lot more about the people around him than he did, and they had a lot more to them than he knew.

"Well, we seriously need to get you out more. I'm booking you for the entire week!" Jon claimed. "It's been too long."

"What do you mean?" Sun Hui blinked. He couldn't have been that badly isolated...

"Hush. No objections. You got to save room for me, Guniang. I'm your best friend, after all. Your brother," he stiffened, then dashed away.

Sun Hui found it hard to believe he sounded like that in the last world. The accent was irritating and hard to understand on the other end. Well, he still spoke English but at least he could speak Mandarin and not sound suspicious.

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