Chapter 7 - Thunderbolt Potion, Another Title

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"Huh, first ghosts, then blood on the wall and now petrified cats," Vincent thought, "it is Halloween."

The whole group was currently in Lockhart's office at his invitation along with Snape, McGonagall and Dumbledore who were currently studying the petrified Mrs Norris whose owner, Argus Filch was weeping on a nearby chair.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her—probably the Transmogifian Torture—I've seen it used many times, so unlucky I wasn't there, I know the very countercurse that would have saved her..."

Filch's sobbing grew louder at Lockhart's ranting making Vincent's eye twitch. He wanted nothing more than to give Lockhart's perfect face a good clobbering, but decided to walk to Filch's side leaving Harry, Ron and Hermione raising eyebrows at his actions.

"Hey Mr, Filch," Vincent greeted

"Oh, it's you," Filch sniffled as he looked at Vincent who was patting his back, "what do you want?"

"I'd like to say, that Mrs Norris was a good cat," Vincent said

"I, I know right?" Filch coughed as he glared at Harry, "I raised the little one from the moment it was born, beautiful little critter. Whoever did this is going to pay!"

"We didn't do it," Vincent said, "I mean, I'm a muggle after all."

"She isn't dead Argus," Dumbledore said causing Lockhart to stop rambling on and Filch to stop sobbing

"Not dead," Filch said, "But then why is she—?"

"She's been petrified," said Dumbledore

"I knew it!" Lockhart exclaimed making everyone eye roll at the proclamation

"But how, I don't know," Dumbledore continued

"It was him who did it!" Filch said pointing to Harry

"It would have required dark magic that no second year could possibly have known," Dumbledore said

"It was him! You saw what he wrote on the wall!" Filch said, "He knows that I'm a—that I'm a Squib!"

"I never touched Mrs Norris," Harry said in outrage, "I don't even know what a Squib is!"

"If I may, Headmaster," Snape intervened, "Potter and his friends may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But why they in that corridor in the first place, why weren't they enjoying the Halloween feast?"

Harry, Ron and Hermione all talked at once to explain about the deathday party while Vincent just watched Snape's actions. Despite being Snape's apprentice, Vincent still didn't really know him that well outside his potion making skills. So, it still puzzled him why Snape hated Harry so much.

"...there were hundreds of ghosts, they'll tell you we were there—"

"By why not join the feast afterwards?" Snape said, his black eyes boring into Harry's, "Why did you go up to the corridor?"

"Because, because," Harry stuttered as he looked slightly nervous, "because we were tired and wanted to go to bed."

Vincent furrowed his eyebrows before relaxing them. He was confused as to why Harry didn't outright tell them he heard voices, but then felt that it would have been a bit unnatural, even in the wizarding world.

"Without supper?" Snape raised his eyebrows, "I don't think ghosts provided food for living people at their parties."

"We weren't —" Ron began before Vincent cut in

"I was intending to make them supper with my own hands," Vincent explained, "It was late, so we decided that heading to the Great Hall now would do us no good."

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