Chapter 1: The prophecy.

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Long, long ago, when the human race defeated the monsters and locked them under the mountain, this whole story began. The creatures walked for days until they finally found a place to live. The king felt afraid though. Not only monsters were trapped, but another race as well. The viruses.

Viruses are vile creatures. They have long horns, they have grey skin, their haircolour matches their blood and soul colour, they are tall, most are slim, they all have long, sharp teeth and enormous hands with such sharp, long nails, their eyes have large irises with small pupils, they are all insane. They are all extremely strong. So strong that monsters cannot beat them in a fight. except for one. King Asgore, the king of monsters.

King Asgore has a weapon. A gun. That gun could kill any virus with one shot, even if the bullet would not hit a dangerous spot like a vital organ. Although he held it with him during the journey, he was still afraid. There was only one gun with very few bullets, while the entire virus race followed him. Hundreds, maybe thousands of beasts walked behind de monsters. King Asgore did not know that the king of viruses, king Denatos, kept his people calm. Denatos knew about the gun. Of course, he wanted to attack the monsters, but he did not. He kept walking.

After days of traveling, the creatures found a place to live. King Asgore suggested that the viruses would live besides the monsters, seperated with only a golden gate. King Denatos thanked the monster and guided his people to a large open place underground. King Asgore put a gate in a large corridor leading to the place where monsters would live. But he had a plan. Once all viruses would be behind the gate, he would cast a spell. And that happened. he locked the gate and spoke. "Viruses, creatures of darkness. You are a danger for this world. With this spell, I shall lock you up in this kingdom. The Cursed Kingdom. Only those who have a good heart and are too pure to live in your evil world, they can escape." He said and a large shock went through all viruses.

They shrieked and screamed. Loud growls were heard up on the Surface. King Denatos ran to the gate and screamed in a demonic voice, but king Asgore could not understand the language he spoke. The monsters ran away and reached a small area with a flowerbed. They blocked the corridor with large boulders and left, but they could still hear the desperate, hateful shrieks from the viruses. They wanted to break free. They wanted to run to the monsters and violently murder them all. But they could only scream.

Eventually an old virus calmed the others down and talked to king Denatos, while his apprentice wrote down everything he said.

"King Denatos, I had a vision, a prophecy. You and queen Alugarde will have a child. But there is a twist." the man told. King Denatos asked for the whole prophecy.

"On a third of June, a light will shine. A beautiful child will be born in the castle of the viruses. King Denatos and Queen Alugarde shall be blessed with a young one. If the child will be a female, she shall be the goddess of the world. You cannot murder her. Not even during birth. Her appearance will be even more mighty than any other virus. Her claws and teeth will be sharper and longer, her body will be extremely tall, her pupil will be even smaller and she will look even more insane. She will be so extremely smart. Full of knowledge. She will be able to come in contact with angels and demons. She will be fire-resistant and have the ability to spit fire and burn her enemies. She will be able to grow spider legs and tentacles out of wounds and control them for anything. When she goes insane to attack, she will become a horrifying creature. her jaw will deform, her body will grow even more and become so slim, she will grow large wings that have sharp edges like knives and she will be extremely powerful. But the poor child will be allergic to any food, any beverages, any water, even her tears, and all she could eat is meat and sugar, and all she could drink is blood. Her heart will be good and leave this kingdom, but if you give her all your love, she will break the spell and let you go. But if you abuse her, she will escape. She will find the love of her life with the name of a fruit. She will return to you and take over the kingdom.

If the child will be a male, he will be as rotten inside as any other virus. But he shall be weak. He will need extreme care to gain at least a little bit of strength. He could break the spell and fight for this kingdom, but it would take years of care and training.

Be smart. The female will ruin your life if you do not love her and not stop her."

King Denatos huffed. He looked for his wife and talked about it with her. Queen Alugarde huffed as well. She had a plan. She told her husband that they would abuse her and never teach about her powers. Both of them did not believe the prophecy's future for a possible daughter. They planned the future. They made their own "prophecy".

"If the baby would be a girl, we will abuse her. We will take every power the little bitch has. We will cut her nails. The most painful procedure for a virus to go through. We will violently cut the horns off of her head. We will pull her hair out and malnourish her. She does not deserve beauty. We will hit her, stab her, push her, kick her, throw her of high places. She won't die anyway. We will throw her in water. We will feed her normal food every now and then. We will only give her gross, expired blood and the evil sugars. She will be a freak. We will make her fuck someone and give us grandchildren while we watch her be tortured by the guy that fucks her. But we want it as fast as possible so we will start at thirteen. Granddaughters will be murdered. We won't let her go to school. The bitch will be dumb. She will not be allowed to have any toys, instruments or happiness. Also, she can't know about her powers. Freak.

If it's a precious boy, we will love him and train him to become a god too. He will set us free, despite his weakness. We will help the little man. He's gonna be our sweet little man. He'll be amazing."

The two laughed. They truly thought their plan would work. They wrote it down, added the real prophecy for comparison and decided to keep track of the life of their child.

Then they told their people and build up their homes. The castle was build with the power of all the viruses and was done a few days later. It is not surprising. Viruses are fast and strong. The castle ended up being so enormous.

A few years later, queen Alugarde got pregnant. she and Denatos were extremely glad. Months passed and she went into labour. She did not know if it would be a boy or a girl, since ultrasound scans did not exist in the Cursed Kingdom. The viruses did not need that. All children would be born healthy and alive. Even The Broken ones. But those are just children that have a good heart. there is nothing broken about them. Yet they were hated. And that is one of the biggest reasons the royal family did not want the good girl. They also did not want a daughter. They desperately wanted a son because they did not want a queen of royal blood. They wanted a son that could marry a simple citizen. Hours passed and the baby was born. It was a girl. King Denatos was filled with rage and threw the baby against the wall and growled. The poor child cried so loudly, but she was left unharmed because of her strength. Denatos took the child and threw it in the room and locked the door.

One of the king's servants looked through the window. He heard what was going on and heard the baby crying. The servant, Lafriniere, saw the child. He found her a beautiful child. He wanted to help her. He wanted to clean her. He wanted to comb her beautiful purple hair. He just wanted to be her stepfather and take her away from her horrible parents. But he could not. And king Denatos returned to the child. Lafriniere hid belong the window and made sure his horns were not visible. King Denatos aggressively pulled at the horns of his child and cut them off. He then proceeded to completely pull out the nails. The poor infant screamed and cried loudly. Lafriniere heard it all and got tears in his eyes. His usual grey skin turned white as the loud cries of the child got worse and worse. After a few hours the child stopped crying. He found the courage to look and saw the poor child sleeping in a puddle of blood, covered with only a thin, ripped up shirt and shorts. He saw that she had the word Blood carved in her neck. He knew that that would be her name. Little princess Blood... It would be too risky to get her now, so Lafriniere had to wait. He went back to his home to his wife and decided not to tell her what he saw. He was a Broken One. He had a good heart. But no one knew. Not even his wife, Sheiopia. She was extremely vile. She had a cold heart. Lafriniere wanted a divorce, but he knew it would get him murdered, so he stayed by her side. They really wanted children of their own, but Lafriniere was too afraid. And his main goal was to save the little princess.

Princess Blood...

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