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Woohyun X Sunggyu


      " Yah! Kim Sunggyu!!~" Woohyun smirked to himself knowing that he just disrespected the elder.

      " Sunggyu hyung!!! Woohyun hyung is disrespecting you!!" Sungjong whined.

       " What's up? " Sunggyu didn't seem to mind, his attention was on his phone. 

        I am his boyfriend right?
     Woohyun thought to himself as his smirk dropped and a frown took place instead.

       " Hyung isn't even interested...he keeps on texting someone.." Myungsoo whispered, glancing at their leader and Woohyun who had a frown and glare.

      " Who're you texting? " Woohyun sat down on the arm of the couch and when he leaned in, it caused the leader to panic and get up hastily while smiling nervously.

     " Um...well..nothing " he blushed looking away and raised his head up to look at the clock. It's time..

      " I-I've to go somewhere..so um.." he made hand motions making everyone go confused, in the end their leader gave up and shrugged.

      " You're not going " Woohyun muttered glaring holes into Sunggyu, he noticed the elder tense and shiver.

     " Namu~ I'll be back soon!! " He whispered with a pout.

    " I'll go with you then " Woohyun reasoned , he was not gonna let his boyfriend go alone.

     " Hey I'm back---" Sungyeol had started only to be interuppted by a big warm smile towards him which made him uncomfortable.

     " I'll be taking Sungyeol with me!! " Sunggyu giggled and dragged the taller with him closing the door shut.

      Sunggyu heard Woohyun grumbling and muttering incoherent words.. the rest of the kids would probably be scared of him.

       " Hyung.. What're you even doing? " Sungyeol groaned in irritation, he'd just came back from an interview so he was physically and mentally exhausted.


       " Hyung, it's already 9 pm!!! It's been an hour!! Where are we going?! " He asked as the elder continued to drag him around.

       " Here..um..can you..sit here? " He asked looking at Sungyeol, who sighed and nodded. He sensed the hesitant tone of his hyung so he accepted.

        " Thank you " Sunggyu smiled warmly and walked inside a shop.


         The two of them walked back, reaching the dorms at around 10 pm with an angry Woohyun glaring at the two them as they were still stuck together.

        " Why are the two of you stuck together? " Woohyun glared.

        " It's cold out there..." he whispered moving more closer to the taller, who started to sweat under the hateful glare of the Namu.

        " Uh...yeah.." he whispered and walked inside after removing their shoes, making a beeline straight to Sunggyu's room and Woohyun would've followed if not for the sudden hug he received from an energetic child aka Dongwoo.

        The two reached the room and placed the items bought below the bed. Sunggyu thanked the taller and hugged him.


       " Hey so.. guys..I bought something for you.." he blushed as the members watched him.

      Sunggyu gave each of them a gift-- neatly wrapped and decorated with a letter personally written to the members. Woohyun smiled feeling proud of his boyfriend.

     " Why the sudden gifts though? " Woohyun asked feeling warmth around his chest.

     " You know.. you guys will be going tomorrow and I'll be leaving soon for my duty.." Sunggyu smiled at them sadly. The members hugged him and soon it became a group hug.

     " We'll miss you.. hyung " Sungjong whispered with teary eyes. 

     " Yeah..we'll miss your nagging " Myungsoo joined in making Sunggyu groan at the younger.

     " Take care hyung.. and be safe.." Dongwoo whispered.

     " Don't worry about us!! " Sungyeol smiled while Woohyun stood there watching them and maybe clicking pictures.

      " Woohyun ah? " Sunggyu popped his head inside their room. He noticed Woohyun on the bed with a smile on his face and arms opened.

       The leader sighed in content as he cuddled with his boyfriend. He had a lot of thoughts on his mind.. he was soon going to fulfill his duty in military. Would the group do okay without me here? Will they remain peaceful? I hope nothing bad happens... will they eat and sleep properly.. will they take care of them---

           " Stop gyu.." Woohyun whispered into the elder's ears which turned red due to him blushing.

          " Sorry.. " Woohyun knew him too well.. it was almost scary. The younger one pressed a small peck on his forehead and crown of his head with a small smile.

        " I love you " Woohyun smiled as he pulled the covers up on the two of them.

         " I love you too.." Sunggyu smiled, his eyes crinkling and almost looking like they're closed.

        " Mhm..let's cherish our moments.." Woohyun tightly held the other one against his chest, hiding the elder's head onto his chest.


      We miss you.. Kim Sunggyu~ Be safe and take care of yourself...



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