Chapter 64: I Am Not A Merman (I)

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Chapter 64: I Am Not A Merman (I)


System: 【Congratulation to Host for completing the Main Mission—Promote to Senior Colonel within ten years.】


【You have completed a Main Mission, please receive your reward. Constitution +5, Memory +7, Spiritual Power +6, Beauty +5, Life Span +2. You can learn two additional skills.】


“Why did I not have time to stay in this world this time?” Shang Ke asked in confusion.


【The moment you completed your main mission, you died. As long as you have even a single breath left in you, the System can give more time to do an additional mission.】


Shang Ke: “…Okay, let me ask again, just what use is the reward of life span every time? Was it prepared for the completion of three missions?” Like, extending life span to a hundred years or something.


But reality proved that Shang Ke was overthinking it.


【No. The lifespan is for keeping you alive in the real world. The you in the real world is currently in a vegetable state kept alive by machines. The life span you obtain during missions can is for continuing your life.】


Shang Ke made an “oh” sound, then immediately realized something and asked in fear, “Wait, what would happen to me if I failed the mission from the first world?”


【The you in the real world will naturally die, and your soul will fall into an unlimited cycle of death and reincarnation, never again will you have the chance to return to reality.】


Shang Ke erupted in anger, “Why didn’t you tell me something so important earlier!”


【If Host’s life value falls into a dangerous critical level, the System will actively notify you. This is also the reason why the first world has such extra preferential treatment, it’s to ensure the Host can continue on and work on the following missions.】


“Hehe.” Shang Ke’s lips twitched, thinking back to that “mission that can 100% be completed even by just sitting”. It was also the only mission he did that had satisfied all three missions.

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