Chapter 68: I Am Not A Merman (V)

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After Shang Ke’s injury was mostly healed, he can finally go into the sea outside of the marine building to freely play. However, he was currently very distressed due to the additional mission the system announced. He has no clue how to go about it.


He took note of the punctuation the system pointed out to him, in other words, what he needed to find wasn’t really a mermaid or merman he was imagining. But this mission is even harder to do without a clear-cut target, for example, would finding a portrait or statue of a mermaid or merman work? Would finding a sunken ship named “Merfolk” work? He, a dolphin with a human soul, do he count?

TL Note: Merman/mermaid/merfolk, the combination of characters is ‘fish’ and ‘man/person’


There are really too many things that can be tied with merfolk, like hell will know what will fit the requirement. Furthermore, while he does the mission, he has to heroically court death. If he first finds the target (instead of disaster finding him first), then does that mean he needs to create an opportunity for himself to court death?


Alas, life is full of ditches for people to fall into.


Shang Ke raised his head, his face full of deep contemplation as he observed the vast sea.


When Qin Yuan arrived, he happened to chance upon this scene of Flames who appeared to be in deep thought, flickering with a distressed light under the dusky light of sunset.


Qin Yuan suddenly thought of the fact that dolphins were animals that loved freedom, raising them in a limited space would make them feel unhappy. But if they let them have their freedom, then it was hard to make sure they were safe, furthermore, he also wasn’t willing to part with them.


Shang Ke seem to sense Qin Yuan’s arrival and immediately tossed his overly strange worries and quickly swam to him.


Qin Yuan rubbed his head, and softly asked, “Do you want to go out to the sea?”


Shang Ke’s eyes shone brightly: You could see that I want to go out? As expected, we really are spiritually connected!


“Alright, as long as you promise me one condition, I will take you out to the sea.” Qin Yuan used a discussion tone.

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