24. Lost in the tombs.

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We pulled into the prison gates and my eyes were red and stingy. I refused to leave Ricky cause he wouldn't leave me like daddy did right?

Ricky stopped the car and hopped out with me still clinging to him.

"Drive them up. I'll meet you there" he said to Maggie. Carl ran over and gave Ricky a half hug.

"Where's Hershel?"

"He's in the cell block" Carl replied.

"Where's daryl?" Carol panicked after not seeing him in the car.

Wait... Carol.. is alive? I thought the monsters gotted her.

"He's all right. He's alive. We ran into his brother... they went off"

Carol looked to my weeping form before continuing. "They left? ... Daryl left?... he's gone?.. is he coming back?"


"Gone?... is she alright?"

"She's coping" Ricky said wile kissing my forehead. "Let's get you to Hershel"

When we got over to everybody else, they were all happy to see each other. Bethy came over and kissed Ricky on the cheek. With great difficulty, Maggie pried me off of Ricky but I didn't want to let go.

"No no! Ricky! Don't leave me! Please! No no!"

"Hey honey it's okay.. we're just going to daddy to fix your wrist"

It didn't stop me from crying. We walked into the cell block and there were four new people. I don't like them. New people hurt me. Maggie went straight through into the cell block and to Hershey.

"What happened here missy?"

"Her wrist, I think it's dislocated"

"How did this happen?"

"The bad man" I whispered

"What did he do" I stayed silent as I began to cry silently. "Diego, I can't help you if you don't talk"

"He said things a-and .. and he hurted me"

"Can you tell me what he said?"

"He... he was right..... he said if I didn't tell him where we lived then daddy wouldn't love me. And I didn't tell him and he was right. Daddy doesn't love me so he was right! Daddy left me!"

"Calm down missy"

"No! I want momma and I want daddy! I want my daddy" I cried softly.

"Maggie I need your help to reset her wrist" Hershey called.

Hershey eventually took off daddy's red rag and merles big of shirt from my hand, but I refused to let them go, so Maggie tucked them into my pocket. Maggie had come back into the room and she started to sing a song to me and held my head so I was looking at her.

I then heard a loud pop and my wrist started to burn and hurt really bad and I cried out in pain as I clutched onto Maggie. Hershey re-wrapped my wrist with a bandage, and Maggie then picked me up after saying thank you to Hershey. As Maggie walked outta the cell, I saw Ricky.

"Down" I whispered. Maggie set me down and I ran straight into Ricks arms. He picked me up and cradled my head in his hands. I started to play with his curly hair again, and he cracked a smile.

"Ricky?" I whispered

"Hmm?" He hummed

"Is momma gonna come back? Cause... cause Carol died and now she's back now... can momma come back.. an-and Dean too? I want Dean, he won't leave me" I softly cried

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