Chapter 13: Basashi Commotion Pt. 2

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"Those hardest to love need it most

I watched our bodies turn to ghosts

Such good friends, it has to end it always does

That's the way life is

Do we take that risk?"

-"Fools" by Lauren Aquilina


May 10, 2010

The two blue clansmen that appeared demanded the horse to be returned. They were flashy, loud, and annoying. I sighed internally, I knew that Basashi was not going to like them and was prepared in case he spooked.

"That one over there is the fiendish strain who ran away from SCEPTER4!" Doumyouji, the one with a large horseshoe print on his face, exclaimed.

The red clansmen were confused, asking if the horse was the "fiendish" strain the blue clansmen were referring to.

"This child says it dislikes that person. He neglected human rights, it says." Anna translated for us.

"10 points to Griffindor!" I exclaimed.

Blank stares.

"No? Nothing? It's a story about... nevermind, I'll read it to you later Anna."

Harry Potter is great, I grew up on those books.

Anna is kind of like Harry. They both lost their parents to evil (Anna's parents were killed by Michuhi, the evil dude from the first few chapters), was taken in by family members (although Harry got the short end of the stick with his evil cousins and Anna got us), and gained "magical" powers that were already inherent to them.

"Haa? Does a horse have human rights?" One of the Blues argued.

Yes idiot, they're smarter than you. Just because you're not intelligent enough to understand what they're saying doesn't mean animals are lesser beings than humans.

Without hesitation, Anna said, "I won't hand it to those who don't take good care of things."

"If Anna had said so, then we have no reason to hand it over to the blues or the likes right?" Rikio finished his taiyaki and activated his red aura.

"You heard it, didn't you? We've received interference from the red hooligans." Doumyouji justified to Akiyama. Doumyouji and Akiyama both unsheathed their swords and declared that they were ready for battle.

Finally, things are going to get interesting. I smiled to myself and held on tight to Anna. These idiots don't know how to behave around a horse and we'll see what happens next. I loosened the reins and gave Basashi some extra leeway to do what he needed to do.

Almost reading my mind, Basashi reared up in response to the loud noises and the boring conversation. Then he took off in a sprint.

"Anna! Hold on tight!" I exclaimed while my face split into a wide grin.

Anna grabbed onto Basashi's mane while I made sure she didn't fall off.

Anna seemed to finally understand what Basashi wanted to do. "You're going?"


Back at HOMRA.

Izumo's phone went off.

"Moshi moshi?" Izumo answered. "Oh, its Kamamoto. Where are you guys now?"

Rikio said something that was too muffled by the noise in the bar.

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