Eclipsed Lullabye

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You hear that? It sounds like the third part to Moonstone Serenade.


Blood infiltrated through thunderous veins at a steady pace until there was in interruption in the heartbeat. The heart that soared guided blood through vessels filling the body with warmth, flushing the skin a rosy shade underneath the softness of flesh found in every human being drifting along through the days. The interruption that required blood to pound at double the speed provoked an intriguing bodily reaction; redness, nerves, trembling fingers pressing tight against pursed lips to prevent them from producing an irrevocably tragic sound or motion. That sensation of delicate hairs rising at arms aching to make themselves useful sent tremors down spines, lashes batting together in tangled fans unsure of whether they should flutter or remain still as the traitorous lips bound to disband all resistance in one shard of a second seeming too minuscule to have an impact, but the effect it spun through time warped a sound image into a natural disaster breaking through the ground.

Some weren't used to catering to intense emotion. Most, however, battled with resistance at the hands of feeling what couldn't simply cease to exist with the blink of an eye. The complexity of being human shouldn't have been the most difficult experience for a supernatural creature to endure, and yet it was, stripped down to the barren bones to be handled with care or else the fissures spilling along the porcelain surface would crescendo into irreversible breakage holding the cost of sanity.

Gerard never had the most careful pair of hands. He was a hurricane cupping the fragile life of a bird in his quivering palms, rupturing in the evening whenever the storm inside could no longer be held back. Through the hatred slipping in through the crevices and the frustration towards his inability to process any form of normality after keeping hidden in the shadows for years, there was a light of understanding breaking golden wreaths out over the dawn each time the pitch of the night drained from the sky. What he resented the most was the inevitable fate of night revisiting him, when he was the most vulnerable in exhaustion and thoughts pushing out towards the inner linings of his skull like a sea of thought swelling far too widely. Humanity was far more overwhelming than Gerard could've ever envisioned after enduring what he had in his lifetime.

Yet, he couldn't find it in himself to regret the decisions he made while faced with consequences he caused.

Some wisely said in the books eroded by dust and decay instilled in the gilt edged pages it took one experience to completely shift ones perspective. The impact of an event twisting the normality of a solid routine caused a ripple effect touching the soul and breaking past the malleable surface to graze the very center hidden away from the leering eyes of the world. Gerard considered himself completely transparent, yet solid to the touch, unable to break away at the slightest attempts of any outside source tapping against the marble shell encasing his spirit, but the moment a gentler touch approached the barbed wire and his defenses unraveled under a spark igniting in the darkness, Gerard's own universe reversed its pattern and spiraled into a whole other dimension he was dangerously unfamiliar with. His routines, his melancholy methods and pessimistic habits, unhinged at their rusted shackles and another beast ran free; the beast of humanity, the man buried underneath the residue of the inferno Gerard imagined silenced him for good.

Frank Iero was a sign of destruction, but also magnificent peace falling over the crooked branches Gerard closed himself off with. His arrival was explosive and the intrusion was all at the fault of Gerard, but his resentment did not prevail as all control was no longer wielded by his own hands and the stars seemed to link them together through supernatural circumstances and infatuation. Infatuation should've been innocent at the age Gerard rested at, a blooming gardenia piquing newfound hormones and paces his heart could beat at, but the petals were stained crimson at the edges, the blood of the beast obsessing over Frank in every sense there was.

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