Chapter IV. Flaws

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"Naomi." Sakura's voice says. I turn to her. "What is the Hidden Mist like?" She ask. I think back to when Madara had took me there long ago. "Wet and dreary." I reply. I laugh just slightly, "I remember everytime one of my friends would complain we'd just push him in a mud puddle." She smiles listening to my story. "That's the first time I've seen you smile, it's pretty."

I blink, damn I did just smile didn't i? And was I really calling 'deidara' a friend?!

She quickly runs to catch up with Kakashi Sensei, leaving me a bit shocked. I was told to get to know my teammates by Pein and by Kakashi Sensei. Getting to know people is harder than it looks. I have never had very much time with people, I've either been alone or with the Akatsuki and let me just say they suck at making friends. I smile slightly, but these people seem so much easier to get along with.


As I sit on the branch of a tree looking at the stormy sky in the distance I hear a familiar voice underneath me. "He really thinks you have what it takes?" I look underneath me but there is no one there. "Over here sweetheart." I look beside me to see an Akatsuki member bedside me. "Deidara!" I say scrambling to my feet. "What the heck?" I ask. He just laughs at me.

"I was asked to come check on you. "I'm fine!" I yell. He frowns. "Chill." I slap his hand. "Seriously Deidara, leave." I say pointing toward the forest. "You're going to get found out and then that'll fuck everything up!" He frowns, "Alright Alright." Saying this he jumps down.

"I get that kiss next time." I shake my head a small giggling escaping my lips. He smirks getting a response from me. "I'll be looking forward to it, Baja!!" "Go!" I say flipping him off. He laughs and flies off on one of his explosion clay birds. I once again collapse on the branch.

It was weird having my memories back. At some points in time I felt as if I didn't have emotions, but at other times I could feel emotions. "Mother." I whispered as a breeze blows my bangs from my face.

I stood once again in the meadow of Sakura Blossoms, but this time I saw my mother and father both standing under the branches of the Cherry Blossom. I watched as my mother stood crying. "I'm sorry Madara." My mother whispered. Madara just stood there looking at her with angry eyes. Why was he just standing there, why wasn't he comforting my mother? "Madara this child needs to know it's father why would you just leave me?" My mother said through her tears. Madara then took her by the hand. "Madara Please!" My mother screamed. My father just took my mother to the edge of the cliff the Sakura meadow sat on. Through my mother's crying and screaming, Madara did nothing but stare at her. My mother finally came to realize her pleading didn't effect Madara. My mother just nodded her head and closed her eyes as she was pushed from the cliff.

I gasp and grab onto the tree. I had never saw that vision before. I make a fist with my hand. "Shit.." I dig my nails into the tree bark as a pain shoots down my body. Each memory I see it hurts a bit more.

Naomi!" A voice called once again from below. This time it was Naruto. I take a deep breath, calming myself and jump down.

"Hey dobe." I say with a smile on my face. He rubs the back of his neck. "Grandma Tsunade told me to come find you and show you some more of the village." I laugh a little. "Sounds fun." He smiled at me. "Lets go." I exclaim grabbing his hand.


As we wandered around the village I noticed him looking at me. "What is it Naruto?" I asked stopping. It was getting dark and him and I was almost the only ones out on the streets. "The markings on your arm." He whispers. I gasp and clutch my arm. I had forgotten all about grabbing my jacket. Tears form in my eyes. "It's just another flaw to separate me from everyone." I whisper.

As those words spill out of my mouth I feel two hands wrap around me. Naruto was hugging me. "Please don't cry." Him saying this just made more tears form. "I know how it feels being separated from society." How could he possibly know how it feels? I clutched onto him tighter.

I didn't ask, if he wanted to tell me how he'd knew how I felt he'd tell me. "Can I ask what it means?" He mumbles pulling away. "I'm not sure," I look at him then back at the markings "End of Destruction makes no sense." "Maybe it's your destiny." He says jokingly. I laugh but him saying that triggers a feeling I've never felt before. My destiny.... Where have I heard that before?

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