Chapter 2

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Lunch came around sooner than I thought as the bell rang. I said good bye to Jackson, the boy that sat with me and Cara in art class, as Cara walked out of the classroom. I followed her out quickly so I wasn't left behind.
"Hey Cara! Wait up." I yelled as I spotted her down the hallway. She stopped and turned back around heading towards me. "Sorry I just want this day to end already." She explained sighing. "I felt that, but what's up with you and Jackson?" I asked her as we walked to the cafeteria. "Who?" She asked. "The boy you got attitude with in art." I said. "Oh, nothing, I just don't like him." She said shrugging. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't, look, let's not talk about it, alright?" She said sighing. "Fine." I said giving up as we entered the cafeteria.

We spotted Lexy and Hailee at a table in the far right of the cafeteria. We headed over to them as Lexy spotted us. "Hey about time what took y'all so long?" Lexy questioned a little annoyed. "We had art, which is across the fucking school, might I add." I said sitting down tired. "Who you think you getting an attitude with." Lexy asked with sass. "Girl shut the fuck up, I wasn't getting an attitude with you." I said calmly. "What did you just say?" Lexy said getting up. As I was about to say something, Cara cut in. "Both of you shut the fuck up, and Lexy sit the fuck down we are not having this shit right now. It's the first day of school and you're already trying to start shit." She said annoyed. I know Lexy wanted to say something but she had nothing to say. So she sat down. "We don't want attention drawn to us the first day of school now, do we?" Cara asked. "Whatever not like I give a shit." Lexy said taking out her phone to text someone. Cara just rolled her eyes and went back to eating.


"Hey let's hangout after school, I don't want to go home." I said trying to sound annoyed. "Sure but who's house?" Alex asked. "We can go to mine, my mom won't be home anyways." Lexy said not taking her eyes off of her phone. "Alright it's a plan." Cara said.

"So Lexy are you and what's-her-face going out?" Alex asked. You're probably like, what the hell? Weren't they fighting like two minutes ago? Well you see, we are like a fucked up family, we can hate each other one second and love each other the next. "What's-her-face has a name, and no, she is not ready yet." Lexy explained. "Right umm Ma- no. Ke- no wait Delaney right?" Cara asked. "What? No I stopped talking to her awhile ago." Lexy said. "Isn't her name Rylee?" I asked. "Yes it is." Lexy said with a smile on her face. "Ohhhh yeah I remember her." Alex said. "And she is throwing a party later this week and she invited all of us." Lexy said looking at her phone. "Umm, going to a party with a bunch of juniors? No thanks." I said. "Oh come on you need to get out of your shell, and plus you'll be out of the house." Lexy said. "Ugh, fine, but only if Alex and Cara come too." I said. "Of course." Alex said. "Sure." Cara said with no emotion. "Alright, it's set then." Lexy said.

We kept talking until the bell rang for us to leave. Then we went to our classes we had left for the day.

Author's note:
Hey guys i be editing dis chapter or whaTEVUH -H

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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