Chapter XXXI. Found

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Sasuke's P.O.
I had been searching months for Naomi. "Dammit, Where are you?" I mutter. "Sasuke!" I turn my head to see the pink haired medical ninja coming toward me. "A stone ninja stumbled into camp." I roll my eyes. "What does that have to do with anything, Sakura?" She slaps me. "Baka! The man described a woman that fits Naomi's description perfectly." My heart skips a beat. "Where?" She points North. "Two miles." She says, giving a slight nod of the head.
Racing through the limbs of trees I run smack into something hard. "OW! Watch where you're going Baka." "Watch where you're standing!" I spit back, rubbing my throbbing head. "Sasuke?" Opening my eyes I see a sight I haven't in awhile. "Suigetsu?" I mumble. "The one and only." He says proudly, showing off his snow white shark teeth. I roll my eyes as I push him to the side. "Outta my way." "Where's the damsel in destress?" He says with a smirk. "I don't know, that's kinda the point." I sigh. "Idiot."
"Come on Sasuke, I can help." I stop suddenly causing Suigetsu to slam into a tree. I smirk, trying to keep a faint laugh from escaping my lips. "No." "Awe, come on!" I push him back into the tree he just peeled him face from. "Listen, I am responsible for Naomi. Not you so stay out of it." I say calmly, dropping him. Rubbing his reddening throat he glares at me. "Least tell me what a guy has to do to get some water around here." I turn my back to the water boy, chuckling to myself. "South, 1 mile." "Thanks, Asshole." I roll my eyes as I sprint forward.
I stop looking up at the fading yellow orb. "Dammit." I spit slamming my fist into a nearby tree. I close my eyes, but open them at the sound of coughing. "Hello?" Silence, but then coughing. Its muffled this time as if someone is trying to cover the sound up. Quietly I follow the muffled sound of coughs and whines. Approaching a boulder on the outskirts of the battlefield I hear a baby cry. "Naomi?!"
Naomi's P.O.V
I can't keep the coughs quiet. They have grown more and more intense. "Dammit." I whisper, looking at the blood on my palms. I close my eyes and take deep breaths. "Aaaa Waaa." I panic hearing the bundle beside me start to cry. "No, baby please.." I reach out, grabbing the infant. "Naomi?!" I cough, this time letting the blood splatter onto my child's blanket. "I'm sorry." I whisper holding the newborn up the my chest. I close my eyes waiting for whoever to reveal them self. "Naomi!" I hear once more before the sound of a body falling to its knees. I open my eyes feeling two hands engulf my face. "Sasuke..." I manage to choke out. All i can taste is the bitter taste of iron, of blood. Sasuke's eyes fall onto the child in my arms and then to the pool of blood beside me. "You..." I nod slowly. "It's not time." "Doesn't matter." I speak. His eyes gaze up and down my worn out body. I close my legs, hiding my sore womanhood. His eyes fall back on my face. "You need medical attention." I shake my head. "Take him." I say holding my child out to Sasuke. His eyes light up seeing the child open its eyes. I give a gentle smile. "He has you brother's eyes." I whisper as a tear slides down my swollen cheek.
Taking the child from my arms, Sasuke stands up. "I'm not leaving you, Naomi." I open my mouth, but words I cannot find. "We need you," He pauses for a moment, looking at the child then at myself, "I need you." Another tear rolls down my cheek, followed by a few more." I shake my head. "I cannot move." "I will help you." He replies. "You cannot carry both of us." He bends down and takes my hand in his. "I love you."
We are interrupted by the clapping of hands. "Bravo, Bravo." I close my eyes, covering my face with my bloodstained hands. Why now.... "I'll be taking that child." My father says to the young Uchiha. "You'll have to go through me first." I take a deep breath as every sound begins to die out. All I can hear is the beating hearts of everyone around me, I can hear the blood rushing through their veins. I cover my ears as I scream with all I have in me. I can't take the sound.
I stand to my feet as my skin becomes as Kemono's. As my eyes dilate, I smirk. I can see every vein in their bodies. I crave the taste of blood. I watch as my hands change into claws and I...I laugh. This transformation feels different then all the rest... "You've grown stronger, my dear." I growl. "Don't call me that, Bastard!" I spit. Every beat of his heart makes me more angry. I cock my head to the side and smirk. "Say your goodbyes, my dearest father."

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