Chapter 19:

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"What's up, what's up?" I said walking into my parent's house. My dad, Uncle X, and Kaine were in the living room.

"Big bro, where my yung nephew at?" Kaine asked.

"Spending the day with Chanel and Karma."

"What's up with you and Nelly?" My dad asked.

"We good. She still got her guard up not letting me in fully. I'm trying to make her mine again officially. I'ma earn her trust back." I shrugged.

"And I want to get her pregnant." I finish.

"Oh hell you're definitely King's son, only niggas I know that be planning on getting they women pregnant on purpose." Uncle X said laughing.

"Shut the fuck up nigga." Dad said laughing.

"Wait, what you mean?" I asked.

"He got ya mom pregnant with Karma on purpose. Nigga kept flushing her birth control pills."

"Yo that's a good idea." Kaine said. "You should do that."

"I would, but she get those nutass shots."

"Y'all King's is all fucking crazy." Uncle X said throwing his hands in the air.

"Nah, seriously tho." Dad started. "Don't get her pregnant because you feel you owe her a baby. Just because you think it'll make everything in the past disappear it won't. Wait for y'all time, it'll happen when it happens."

I nodded rubbing my face taking in all that he said.

"Well shit King let me find out you got a couple wise words up there, but how you gonna tell him that when you got Jaz pregnant on purpose?" Uncle X said making us laugh.

"Aye, we already had two kids. So I could get her pregnant on purpose all I wanted."

I shook my head at these fools.

"I ain't gonna get her pregnant on purpose, but I'ma try to talk her into the idea."



"Auntie, I love you." Jaden said wrapping his good arm around Karma as we waited in the check out line. We got a bunch of food mostly junk. Her, Jaden, and of course Kjayy are spending the night at my place.

"What Jay man? I love you too." She replied.

"I want some gum." He said making me laugh as he just reached into her bag without waiting for a response.

"Look what ya dumbass brother sent me." I said to Karma

K💙: Let's go half on a baby 😏

"He asks me about a baby everyday at least once." I said.

"Aye y'all need to give me a niece. Jay, don't you want ya daddy and Nelly to give you a baby sister?"

"No." He said making a face "I don't want no sister."

"See no baby." I said laughing.

"Oh whatever." She said flagging us off.

"Aye you know that man?" I ask nodding my head towards the man standing near the front of his car looking our way. "He was out here when we went in but he was sitting in the car."

"Nope." She said as he walked over.

"You look just like Jazmine." He said.

We both scrunched up our face glancing at each other.

"And you look real familiar." He said bending down slightly to look at Jaden.

"I'm Kordell." He said before reaching his hand out to Jaden, but Karma slaps his hand away.

"Well Mr. Kordell or who ever the fuck you are, don't touch, talk to, or look at my nephew." She said picking Jaden up and walking away.

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