twenty five | I will always love you

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Ingrid and Thor sat on the ship, hand in hand as Ingrid rested her head on his left shoulder

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Ingrid and Thor sat on the ship, hand in hand as Ingrid rested her head on his left shoulder. "What are we going to do? Where are we going to go?" Thor tightened his grip on her hand as they flew to New Asgard to make their decision. The Guardians had offered to take them with on their adventures and for them to join the team and they always had the choice of staying in New Asgard.

"I'm not quite sure. For the first time in my life, I have no revenge, no destiny, and no goals. I get a fresh start. We get a fresh start." Thor spoke with such hope in his voice that it made Ingrid's heart flutter, injected with the same hope he was talking about. Ingrid sighed and nuzzled her head into his neck before giving his hand a quick squeeze. "I will always love you." Thor kissed the top of her head. "And I will always love you."

With a thud, the ship landed causing the two to stand and go to the door. "Now, be quick. We usually do a lot of universe-saving and we're busy." Quill shouted out to the couple causing Ingrid to roll her eyes and smiled at him. He let out a little grumble and then continued to look ahead.

Ingrid walked out in front of Thor, seeing Valkyrie stood on the road with her back turned away from them. "Val!" Ingrid shouted wrapping her arms around the girl as she turned around. Valkyrie stumbled back slightly before reciprocating the hug and patting her back.

"You know, it hasn't been that long since I last saw you." Ingrid chuckled as she pulled away nodding. "Be quiet and accept my love." Val let out a short laugh before turning to Thor who casually draped his arm over Ingrid's shoulders. "So, when can we expect you back?"

Ingrid and Thor looked at each other and knew that they needed a break away from earth. "About that..." Thor trailed off causing Valkyrie to raise an eyebrow at them. "Thor. Your people need a king." Ingrid reached forward and grabbed Val's hand. "No, they already have one."

Valkyrie let out a loud laugh before looking at the two of them who stared at her like loving parents. "That's funny. You're being serious?" Thor took his arm off of Ingrid's shoulder to take the sunglasses he wore off of his face.

"It's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be. But you, you're a leader. That's who you are." Ingrid stood behind Thor, positively radiating happiness as she watched her best friend look at the ocean. "You know I'd make a lot of changes around here."

"I'm counting on it. Your Majesty." Thor held out his hand which Valkyrie graciously shook before she began to get as emotional as Valkyrie could get, the situation settling into her mind. "What will you two do?" Thor sighed and draped his arm back around Ingrid's shoulders. "I'm not sure. For the first time in a thousand years, I...I have no path. We do have a ride, though."

The trio looked back towards the ship to see Rocket waiting behind them, impatiently tapping his foot. "Move it or lose it, hairbags." Ingrid smiled at him and held up her hand. "Give me a minute, Rabbit!" Rocket grumbled off, walking back to the ship with Thor following him as he wanted to leave them alone for a minute.

"Val, I know you'll do great here." Ingrid began tearing up as did Valkyrie as she looked at her only friend who had been with her since the very start. "I'm going to miss getting drunk with you." Ingrid laughed at her statement bringing her in for a hug, squeezing her tight.

"Be safe." Val separated from her as they began to walk to the ship. "Always." Ingrid laughed out before hugging her one last time and walking on to the ship's main deck. "Well...The As-Guardians of the Galaxy back together again. Where to first?" Thor plopped his hand down on Quill's shoulder who glared at him as the Asgardian touched his controls.

"Just so you know, this is my ship still. I'm in charge." Quill flipped the map back to where he had it causing Thor to nod and shrug. "I know. I know. Of course, you are. Of course." Thor agreed before he flipped the map again causing Quill to clench his jaw. Ingrid tried to suppress her grin as the two men riled each other up.

"See, you say, of course, but then you touch the map. It makes you think that maybe you didn't realize I was in charge." Ingrid put her hand on Thor's shoulder before looking at the map, ignoring the men. "Quail, that's your own insecurities in there. Okay? I'm merely trying to be of service. An assistant." Ingrid knew for a fact that Thor could never be an assistant. He liked to be in charge too much. "Quill."

"That's what I said," Thor replied, not seeing the problem. "You should fight one another for the honor of leadership," Drax said causing Nebula to chime in. "Sounds fair." The two men slowly looked each other up and down to see who would win the fight before they responded. "It's not necessary."

"I got some blasters unless you guys wanna use knives." Rocket shrugged causing Ingrid to nod with him. "Oh, yes. Please, use knives." Mantis excitedly asked causing Ingrid to pretend to start walking. "I'll go get my machete." Thor grabbed her hand and rolled his eyes. "I am Groot." Ingrid laughed at Groot's comment. Thor and Quill began to nervous laugh next to Ingrid. "Not necessary."

"There shall be no knifing one another. Everybody knows who's in charge." An awkward silence fell over the ship as the two men thought about Thor's comment. "It's me," Quill added causing Thor to laugh and wave his sunglasses around. "Yes, you! Of course! Of course. Of course." The awkward silence fell over them again before Ingrid walked to the back of the ship, admiring space.

"My love, are you sure about us going with these guys?" Thor walked up beside Ingrid wrapping an arm around her waist and spinning her into his arms. Ingrid let out a small giggle before placing her hands on the side of his face, Thor closing his eyes for a brief second at the feeling of her hands.

"How bad can it be?" Ingrid pressed a soft kiss to his lips, smiling as he pulled her closer to him before they parted, smiling wide at each other. "I am Groot!" Ingrid turned to see Groot, rolling his eyes at the two. "No, we will not get a room. Get used to it, Tree!"


I know it isn't much closure but I'm going to leave it slightly open-ended in case Thor plays a bigger part in GOTG3, But as of now, Goddess is finished. Thank you to each and every one of you that read this slight mess of a story but regardless I am so thankful for all of you. I hope you all hav enjoyed Ingrid and Thor's journey and maybe I will see you in the future.

Thanks, Queenie


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