chapter 1

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Hello のฯеМ¡ here just so you know I'm rewriting everything.

Warning: cursing

lances pov:

I walked into the tower room as I watched keith train, blushing at the image of him sweating heavily.

Making sure I was alone I continued to stare at keith, a dreamy look on my face as I stared.

I jumped when a scream was heard behind me, not bothering to check I tackled the person to the ground, covering their mouth while checking if keith heard it.

I looked at the culprit of the scare and saw max.

"What were you thinking?! You almost got us caught!" I whisper shouted as I pointed my finger at him.

"And?" He asked, a bored look on his face at my actions.

"And.... Keith would've saw us!!"


"What do you mean 'and'?"

"I don't care if he catches me looking, he ain't gonna say shit to me" he rolled his eyes.


"Look, its not my fault you a coward, if you were a little more brave than this, it wouldn't even be a problem!"

"Yeah? And what do you know?" I said with a frown evident on my face.

"Oh stop pouting please, we both know that I'm right"

He is right...

I let my shoulder slump before burying my face on his shoulder, he pated my back in confort as I screamed in frustriation.

He didn't really care if anyone misread the situation since anyone that knew him well enough, also knew that he can sence emotions.

Taking it that hes numb to feelings, he tends to feel others emotions instead of his own depending on the mood of the room.

I let out one more muffled scream before pulling away and laying on the floor.

What in deyas name did I do to deserve this?...

We jumped once the alarm blared through the speakers, not bothering to look at the mess behind us I ran out of the room following after max as he ran to the control room. 

keiths pov:

we were flying toward the galra ship, a plan in motion, the scary part was just begening.

When we finally got the ship we were surpriced to find no soldiers there.

Why was this empty?

Why was nobody questioning it?

We ignore the obvious, pulling our guard up we separated in duo's and searched the ship for prisoners.

Me and Lance got the front side of the ship.

Max's pov: ((yeah finaly))

I was walking towards the back of the ship, where I was supposed to search in, I sighed deeply as the gun in my hand started to feel heavy.

I opened the room, finding it empty.

I walked in the door closing behind me as I reached farther into the room.

"Lock activated"

I turned a round as fast I could, shooting at the figure, as it ran closer to me.

It reached me before making me drop my gun, it punched me in the face and held my wrist on top of my head, its face closer to mine as they took of their mask.

"who are you?" the galra make asked me as he stared into my eyes.

"names Max, I came with my troop to scoop the ship and search for prisoners" I said boredly, my numb eyes glaring darkly into his.

"Why does such a pretty girl like you doing in this war?" he asked as a flirtatious smirk made its way to his face.

"I'm a boy" I said as I struggled to get away from his hold.

"why do you look like a girl then?" he said as he traced my chin with his hand, making shicers of delight run through me as a deep blush coated my fetures.

Am I Feeling flustered?...

"look I didn't ask to be born with a feminine features" I said blushing on embarrassment

"you cute when you blush" he said with a tint of pink on his cheeks 

"thanks I guess" I said looking away "so what are you doing here sir?" I said sturbunly.

"Call me hyoko, and I just came here because my detector told me they were two ships in this orbit, so I came to check on the closest one wich was this one" he said letting me go.

I stared akwardly at him, him getting closer as I tried to back away from him by pressing myself closer to the wall.

 "something the matter?" he said getting closer "don't come closer!" I said, our noses touching from the proximity.

"why would I do that?" he said "how old are you?" he asked "20 you" I said when his face was sentimeters away from mine "I'm 22" he said with his lips few inches away from mine.

I blushed furiously as he captured his lips on mine.

*mean while with klance*

keith's pov:

I was walking with lance when he sudently stops and I turnd around to look at him "Lance are you ok?".

He stumbled a deep red flush coatibg his face "yeah I'm fine I just have something to tell you" he said blushing 



Sorry this is short, but I'm editing everything without changing the plot to much.

(870 words)

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