Chapter One - Umaru's POV

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It was another PERFECT summer day until Big Brother decided he wanted to go for a walk since it was a beautiful summer day. If I really wanted to go for a walk I'd do it in a virtual world where I'm in the air conditioning and have Cola within my reach. But on a walk I don't get that luxury.

  It's REAL exercise and I don't feel like it today. Or any day. Ugh. Why can't I stay in my hamster-like form forever! I want to stay inside and do things I like. My opinion is the most important of course. I am the queen of this castle!

  As we were walking in the park I looked over and spotted my Best Friend, Nana Ebina, But I just call her Ebina or Ebina-Chan. "Hello Umaru-Chan!" Ebina said waving she seemed excited until she saw Taihei. She always gets really nervous around him. Though with me she isn't nervous awesome. I think she might Like Taihei. Which I can't see how she likes him. He's like a mom. 

  She walked over briskly "Are you having a good summer so far?" Ebina asked "Yes I have! I've been reading a lot of literature and taking walks," Which was kind of true, I just finished a new Manga I bought the other day, and I have been walking through the different places I can find in Virtual Reality games. 

  "What about you?" I asked smiling "Well... I haven't done too much... I have been working on cooking quite a bit, I made a chocolate cake the other day," Ebina said "That sounds delicious, that's wonderful Ebina," Taihei said smiling "Um... Um... I can make you one sometime... How rude of me... I didn't mean to not offer you at first.... I'm s-sorry," Ebina said bowing awkwardly

  "It's alright Ebina, Not a problem." Taihei said smiling I don't know how he was so calm. It is like a million degrees outside and I'm dying of heat. But I'll keep smiling. I can't show that it bothers me. and I can't show any signs of weakness. I'm perfect on the outside. I can't break that for myself. 

  "I was just about to head out for Ice cream would you two like t-to j-join me?" Ebina asked nervously "I've got some paperwork to catch up on, But I'm sure Umaru would love to join you, wouldn't you Umaru?" Taihei said smiling at me "Yes, of course I'd love to!" I said smiling though I WAS NOT smiling on the inside. 

  Now I have to stay out for even longer. But at least I'll get a sweet treat from it. I LOVE ICE CREAM! But I wish I could eat it like I do at home... 2 gallons is much better than a small cup. Don't tell Big Brother I eat that much while he's away. He can't know. 

  "Have a nice time girls!" Taihei said smiling as he left and Ebina just waved nervously as he walked away. "I w-wish I wasn't so shy around him," Ebina said "It's alright. You're doing wonderful!" I said with a reassuring smile. 

  "Oh Umaru, I'm sure you're never awkward around anyone. You're so perfect," Ebina said smiling "Oh I'm nowhere near perfect!" I said laughing lightly If only she knew. She would get how I really am. the opposite of unawkward. though I would probably never admit that!


Later on that day when I got home I instantly changed into my more comfortable and natural form. "AHHHH MUCH BETTER!" I yelled as I ran into the living room and jumped onto my mattress and picked up my Manga and began reading. 

  "C-Cola..." I said trying to reach around. "Oh, I have to get up. Umaru does so much, Umaru needs Cola," I said as I rolled into the kitchen and grabbed 3 bottles of Cola so there was NO chance of having to go get more. and I had some snacks in my pillow case so I was good there. Taihei isn't aware of that stash though. 

  "Umaru, try to keep it down please. I need to focus on these papers for work. They're very important." Taihei said "Umaru is a little angel. Umaru is never loud or impolite." I said as I squealed once I opened my cola. "So cold, so refreshing," I said smiling. When I drink Cola it's like I'm in another dimension where it's amazing all the time!

  As I was reading my book I noticed something. The main character could shrink at will. Kind of like me. But it made me think... I've never questioned why I'm like this. How I can shrink and grow. But it had never bothered me. But now that I think about it it kind of does.

  I've been like this forever. But I never thought of how or why. Maybe I will find out. I didn't feel like drinking Cola anymore. Well that didn't last long. My feelings don't really affect my love for Cola and junk food. They're too good. 

  Maybe this summer I'll find out more about myself... I just don't know how yet...


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