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"I don't know why you're still mad, you want me to pretend to be something I'm not for your girlfriend? Nigga you come from a group of crazy people deal with it" Pa said as I stood at the desk in the shop. I was pissed. They didn't do nothing out of the ordinary yesterday but that was the problem. Donnie pulled a whole fucking gun out on pa during spades and Pa was egging him on to do it. That was after the girls went down but still, not to mention Donnie asking Naylani why she was fighting— so that ended up with awkward hour of everyone talking shit about Omanis friends. But before all of that was the questions. " You fucking my god son?" "You know if he find out gay he probably gonna fuck Quelly, when they was younger Quelly use to kiss him onna cheek. Dats gay" "Ya dad a lawyer? So you a snitch?" "My son fine, he get that from me." "Where you from?" "Ya dad know how to fight?" "How come I could see ya moms nipples yesterday?"

Those were the most appropriate ones, them mother fuckers gave me a head ache and made me embarrassed to show my face.

King it wasn't that bad I promise, they're honest people atleast you don't gotta worry about your family lying to you.

To Omani
Oh they're liars. And you're sure? They come on strong.

I looked up at my pa who I was ignoring still as he was suppose to be doing bills but instead he was writing his name in cursive a few times. I wasn't doing them shits either though so I wasn't gonna say nothing. "I just wanted you guys to be normal" I whined out

"Well what the hell is normal king? You tell me. Cause the way I act is normal to me— if you ask me what's not normal is a grown ass women having her titties out at a school event if she ain't breast feeding. But I'm inna wrong" he added making me silently cure at him. But I'm in the wrong. Yeah you fucking are.

"Whatever" I said sucking my teeth. "I'm off to college soon" I added making him snicker.

"Yeah next fucking year" he added laughing before shaking his head. I rolled my eyes not finding anything amusing.

My dad then walked in with a pen behind his ear and the twins trailing behind him. "Papa you do my hair?" Kamillia asked as both of their hair was out. My pa turned around slowly because at first he was trying to ignore the question.

"Yah mills not right now doe" he said rubbing in the grease that was on her face. "Ya father should've did it wanna take shit out" he added before pulking Kyra into his grip.

"Move Nassiah, and stop pretending like you finna do these shits" dad said taking the bills then heading towards the back room after dapping Arnold up.

   "It's time for my break pa, I'm getting lunch" I started and he looked back checked the time before nodding and I didn't waste time getting the hell out of there. Seconds after walking out I get plowed by someone— not anyone the dumb ass light skin.

"I was actually hoping I'd catch you so I'd could ask you to grab food or something.... I'll pay" he said as his fingers tapped against his leg quickly a few couple times. His eyes waits anxiously for my answer before I gave him a little shrug.

"Yea I guess" I said unamused and he nodded a bit to eagerly. He then motioned for me to follow him and turned around going the opposite way. I strolled behind him a bit cautiously glancing around until I let that go and moved on to looking at the person in front of me. He wasn't that much taller than me but his face showed me that he was older by a few years— he just looked older. He had a streak of confidence that stuck him whenever he talked. Not to mention he also got a brief flash of something— I didn't know what yet and who knows if I'd ever find out but it was there.

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