Oh Jeez, School

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i can't believe I'm forcing myself to do this
I'm making this up as i go along, i really gotta plan out my story smh

here we goOOO
metapod, marowak, kakun--
oops wrong fandom


-(Third Person POV)-


(Y/N) gets up to the sound of her alarm going off.

'Music to my ears' she thought.

(Y/N) groans, knowing that today's another day, another school day, and swipes her phone to shut off the alarm.

After that, she get up and lazily walk to the bathroom to brush her teeth, shower, ya know, the usual, and try to tame the mane that is her hair.

After all that hygienic stuff, the girl changes into some clothes and walk into the kitchen. Her parents aren't there to greet me. 'Big surprise' she thought to herself. 'But it's fine, i barely see them anyway.'

Her real problem is school.

Don't know what I mean? Well, you'll find out soon.

She grabs a quick bite to eat and packs her things for school and heads out to the bus stop. The students at the bus stop shuffle into the bus as the bus driver greets them.

Once they get to school, (Y/N) makes her way to her locker, trying to avoid anyone who would talk to her. She puts her stuff into her locker and slammed it shut, and as soon as she did, your typical mean girl was there waiting for her. Brittney.

Andddd now you know.

//I'm terrible at roasting/insulting i'M SORRY
Also if your name is Brittney, change it! sorreee!!//

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in. Looks like it swiped at you a couple of times too, did it?" she scoffed. "I can't tell. You always look this terrible."

"Well, unlike you, at least that cat had a warning label." (Y/N) said, without even making eye contact with her.

"Cut the chit chat." Brittney said, glaring directly into her (E/C) orbs, and then laid her eyes on (Y/N)'s sketch book. She snatched it from (Y/N)'s hands at the speed of light and held it up. (Y/N) Isn't not as tall as she is, so you can tell this was a struggle.

She simply tried to reach the book, but it was no use. Time to resort to words. "The '90's called, they want their cliche bully tactic back."

"The '90's called. Oh wait, they didn't. I can see why." She laughed mockingly. "No surprise. No one calls or texts you anyways."

-(Y/N) POV-

I've had enough at this point. "Look, you have the rest of your life to be a jerk, why not take today off?"

Brittney simply huffed and dropped my sketch book. "I'm going to be late to class anyway. And I don't want someone as unimportant as YOU to be the reason." And she walked off.

Welp, at least the Brittney segment of today was over.

I picked up my sketch book and ran to my first period.

//time skip brought to you by: Toyota Corolla!!//

Before I knew it, school was over. It was bland, to say the least. I don't have any friends, but that's what you get when you move to a completely new area. I used to be quite the socialist in elementary school though.

I walked out of school, and tried to find my bus.

Except, my bus wasn't there.

I saw my bus leaving without me. "WAITTT!!" I yelled, not caring about catching the attention of other people.

But it was no use. The bus driver didn't hear me. I can't call my parents to come pick me up, either. Guess I'm walking home.

Okay now, you see, here's the thing. There's this forest I have to get through to get home. And I'm not gonna lie, going through the forest scares me a little. You never know what could be lurking there.

But I'm up for the adventure! This can be the little spice to my day. So, I moved onward.

It wasn't long before a found something particularly... interesting. There was a noise that sounded warbled and jumbled. I moved closer to the mysterious noise with my backpack slouched on one shoulder.

It seemed to get windier and darker as I moved forward, with only a blurred light source ahead of me to guide me. I found that source minutes later.

It's... a portal?

That's TOO much spice to this day.

I stared at it with wide eyes, holding in the urge to scream at the top of my lungs. What...? How is this even here...?

Naturally, I let my curiosity get the best of me and go near it.

Only, that was a bad idea.

I got sucked in, seeing nothing but pitch black...


Hi!!! Hopefully I did a good job on the first chapter of my first book ^-^

Also whoops sorry for making the first chapter a boring one with no countryhumans ;-;
But next chapter will definitely have le countryhumans


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