Chapter 6

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Harry's pov.

''Get the hell out of this fucking bed before I'm going to fucking slap you out myself, damn of a little brother who never does what people ask'' a ray of sun hits my face and I growl. I just got here like twenty minutes ago after a hell of a night and I have another one tonight. Please, pity me.

''You should breathe sometimes, sister'' I mock her and press my head under the pillow so that the light will not get me.

''Bullshit, we have no time.'' Kira huffs and the covers are pulled away from my body.

''Kira! Out of my room, you pussy girl'' Kira is the kind of girl who never gives up on the things she wants. Like if she wants me out of this bed, she's going to have me on my feet, no matter how much effort I'll put into ignoring her. she's just a stubborn ass.

''It's your birthday, you have other 364 days to sleep. C'mon, move your drug addicted body from the mattress and descend to have breakfast with me, I made waffles'' my head snaps up and I glare at Kira who's smirking at me. Kira doesn't know how to cook, like at all, she's a complete disaster, plus she detests to be covered in dirty or have something attached to her manicured hands.

She has her hair up in a messy ponytail, a bandana that makes her look more like Rambo than a simple cooker and all her expensive outfit, is covered in flour. Like from head to feet.

''You didn't'' I say a smile cracks on my face. My head aches like hell and I feel like I will need pot really soon.

''If you don't hurry up, they're going to be cold and I'm going to use you as a target instead of the rubbish throwing them at your face.'' I puff and throw the cover away.

''You're so annoying'' Kira normally is not that gently but every birthday of mine, she tries and act as nice as she can. which is a personal record for her, since she's a bitch.

'' I'm fucking sleepy'' I growl as I force my legs out of the mattress. Kira presses a pile of clean clothes on my chest and points to the bathroom.

''You're not touching my food with those hands, god knows what you have done with them yesterday. If we're lucky enough, you only use it on yourself but considering the red lipstick on your cheek, I guess it's not really plausible'' I rush to the mirror and use my hand to rub the huge lipstick stamp on my right cheek. I hate it when girls leave those kind of marks, it's disgusting. I should be the only one leaving things on them.

''You're just jealous little slut, because you know I get laid more than you'' my tongue sticks out and Kira raises an eyebrow to me, with a sceptical face on.

''First, you just need to thank mom for your pretty face otherwise, you would not even catch a fly. But I guess girls run away when they discover how ugly you're on the inside, right little brother?'' I snort and disappear in the bathroom. Kira bangs on the door.

''Do you pay them when they see how miserable your little friend is? Maybe they feel pity for you and decide to let you have a bit of fun. Girls are really selfless sometimes, we tent to pity boys a lot'' she's just playing around with me but, Jesus she's so fucking annoying.

"You're talking about girls, like you know how does it feel being one of them. you're a boy, I know that, mom knows that, the whole world knows that besides you. So please open your eyes nosy sister and see that you're not a girl, like at all. Because if you're one, then it means I've been hooking up with men my whole life'' Kira giggles, she adores fight this way, because she knows how to piss me off so easily while she only takes everything I say and use it against me.

''Well Harry, I'm sure you don't even know the difference anymore. You just need a hole where you can put your little friend, which is the owner of that space, it doesn't matter. Be careful, you could find surprises under skirts'' she laughs hard as she walks away not giving me the chance to answer back. damn slutty sister.

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