Chap. 15

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"So a Starbucks study date tomorrow then?" I suggested, pulling out my planner.

"Definitely," Caroline agreed, with a nod.

"This test is going to kick my butt," I admitted, jotting it down in my planner before putting it away.

"You're Valedictorian," she reminded me. "Tests don't kick your butt, it's the other way around."

"Except when you've been spending all your free time with your recovering boyfriend," I said, with a sigh. "And not studying for AP Chem."

"I miss Bryce," she said, jutting out her bottom lip. "He's such a goofball. When's he coming back?"

"He has his first checkup next week sometime," I said, checking my phone. "They'll probably give him a rough timeline then."

The bell rang and I gathered up my stuff, heading to my locker.

And then I felt my arm being yanked, and I was shoved into an empty classroom.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" I demanded to Clayton, as he flipped on the lights.

"I need to talk to you."

"And you can't just approach me in the hallway and tell me that like a normal person?"

"Shut up and listen, this is important."

"You can't just talk to people like that-"

"There's a new kid," he deadpanned, interrupting me.

"And that affects me why?"

"He's a sophomore."

"Still not understanding why I care."

"He transferred from that prep school across town," Clayton continued. "Steven Anderson."

His name sounded familiar.

"Star pitcher for the Summerville Tigers."

"Shit," I muttered.

Now I definitely knew who he was.

Bryce pitched for the Highlander Eagles travel team, and the Summerville Tigers were their biggest rivals.

"We have a problem," Clayton stated.

"Yeah we do."


"Alright," Mrs. Jacobs announced. "Today we will be continuing our piece on Love and Peace."

I hate Art class, but everyone is required to take one Fine Arts elective, and it was either this or Music Appreciation.

And I just cannot sit through a class with a bunch of baseball jocks while they pretend to learn something about music.

So I decided to go for the Art credit, and I don't necessarily regret it, but I don't love it either. I just don't have an artistic bone in my body.

I went to the back and retrieved my piece from last class, which we were to continue working on.

"Yours looks nice," Kylie commented, as I retook my seat.

I laughed as I took the blue watercolor from her. "You're full of it."

"It's probably the best piece you've done in here."

"I should be insulted right now."

The door opened at the front of the class, and a boy came in, carrying a schedule.

I really hope this isn't who I think it is.

"May I help you?" Mrs. Jacobs asked the boy.

"I'm new here," he informed her. "And I'm supposed to be in this class."

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