Chapter 9

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"So you're telling me, that the staple of Chinese Food is made in America?" Sylvia questioned.

"Right!?" Vanessa growled. "It's Herasy!"

"It is interesting. But it's not really that big of a deal." Zali shrugged.

The fortune cookie is made in America as a way to get said Americans to like Chinese food. It's not really that important. Evania added as the four of them left the student council office.

"Can you actually back that up with facts?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow.

Not technically. But that's my assumption. Evania noted.

Vanessa leaned forward and whispered in Evania's ear as they walked. "Did you come here to pick up Sylvia?"

Evania glared out of the corner of her eye at the young vampire.

"Did you want to walk her home?"

Vanessa, I will hurt you.

"I'd probably enjoy it." Vanessa answered, leaning back before Evania could turn and glare at her.

"Vanessa, are you teasing Evania?" Zali asked.

"It's not like it's hard. It's about as difficult as teasing you, except she bites back." Vanessa answered.

"She'll actually hit you." Sylvia chuckled.

"I hope so." Vanessa grinned.

"Don't tease Eva."

Vanessa and Evania both turned their heads to watch a girl walk past them.

"What is with everyone and Vanilla perfume?" Vanessa grumbled.


"I prefer chocolate." Sylvia grinned.

"I started to like it more after Isirona." Zali answered. "The closer we get the closer we literally get."

Evania turned her head to watch Zali's expression as she spoke to Sylvia. "You mean you became attached to Isirona too?"

Zali shrugged. "In a way. When we're...together our bodies match. I can feel her body the way she always feels mine. Like we're the same person. Afterwards I noticed my ticks started changing."

"Your ticks?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow.

"I don't have the same nervous ticks as I used to. I have Isirona's."

"Does she have yours?" Vanessa teased.

"Isirona doesn't get nervous." Zali narrowed her eyes.

"So you swapped nervous ticks with your girlfriend. Does that mean Syl's gonna get Eva's ticks?" Vanessa asked, grinning as she looked between them.

"Won't know for a while probably." Sylvia noted. "But it is interesting."

"What kind of nervous ticks do you have that-"

"Vanessa, leave them alone." Zali warned. "It's their business, not ours."

"Here, I'll make it easy on you." Sylvia answered before stepping past Vanessa and looping her arm through Evania's. "She talks too much. But you're right though, her accent is pretty attractive." The succubus whispered, getting Evania to grin.

"You wanna ditch these loosers and watch a movie?"

Sounds good.

"We'll catch up with you guys later." Sylvia called, looking over her shoulder at the other two who exchanged glances. Syl and Eva headed off towards the dorms as Vanessa and Zali went to another class.

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