The Eye of The Storm

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A sputnik beeping is heard. In space, it orbits from the distance, peacefully circling the Earth.

As it moves away from North America, it's replaced.

Somewhere off the Coast of Maine, is a sea storm. In the middle of that storm would be a little boat. ''Mayday! Mayday!'' The lone sailor yells through is radio. Spinning the ships wheel frantically, trying to steer on the huge waves, ''This is the Annabelle. I've lost my barrings! I'm taking on water!-'' He looks down at his feet, it was covered in a thin layer of water. ''-My last good reading is 44 degrees North, 68 degrees...''

The Sailor, Earl Stutz, trails off as he notices the giant, flaming ball heading straight towards him.

A comet.

He watches it illuminate the sky green before striking the water a good way away from him. He stares ahead in awe and confusion, dropping the radio in his hands from shock and slight fear. He's snapped out of his daze by his radio, ''This is Portland Station to Annabelle. What is your position?''

Early shakes his head as he scrambles for the radio, holding it in his hands once more. ''I don't know exactly, Portland,'' Earl replies loudly, trying to make sure he'd be heard through his old radio above the noise of the waves, ''Off the coast, somewhere! Near Rockwell!''

Earl notices something in the distance, he squints slightly before his eyes widen in hope. A light-beam in the distance - seemingly coming out of nowhere. ''The Lighthouse! I see it!'' The light-beam spins around, causing another one to appear, Earl's relived look fades away and he pales even more.

The boat suddenly crashes into a metallic structure, causing the hull to break apart and Earl to fall through the window, landing with a 'thud' on the deck, rolling over a few times from the momentum. He looks up and gasps, instantly scrambling to his feet.

There, right in front of him, is a silhouette of a Giant Robot, with glowing, white eyes. Earl begins to back away, but there was no point, as he was engulfed by a large wave, washing him off of the boat.

Earl flails about underwater, trying to reach the surface. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his beloved boat sink fully under the water. He continues to swim to the surface, black dots clouding his vision.

He blinks.

And then he's on one of many ledges belonging to a tall cliff. He looks back, seeing nothing but waves. He looks down, the water was a good ten meters down, no way he was washed up here. He looks out to sea, but there's nothing but huge waves, no evidence of anything he just witnessed. He looked up, spotting, a real, Lighthouse. He sighs in relief.

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