Chapter 10. Breakdown

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Cas's POV:

I woke up to the smell of eggs, pancakes and bacon and found the bed empty so I got up and followed the smell to the kitchen and found everyone sitting at the table but with one more extra person...

My eyes went wide and found everyone staring at me, "why are you here?" I asked upset, "well I am the one who created you and well when I found that all my children were getting along I had to see if that was true." Chuck said while holding (y/n) in her arms.

I was shocked he was missing for so long and now he decides to show up when he sees all of his children getting along and what about when Lucifer and Michael were about to start the apocalypse, as I was thinking all of these things everyone's eyes were on me waiting for a response.

the only thing that I could manage to get out was a simple "Whatever."  and stormed out of the room .

Dean's POV:
I woke up and saw two blue eyes staring at me from the bed so I got up and stretched, that couch was not comfortable at all.

I grabbed (y/n) Who was playing with her feet and headed towards the kitchen to feed her but stopped to check on Sammy who was still sprawled out on his bed snoring, I quietly shut the door and let him sleep in.

I kept on walking until I heard talking in the kitchen but heard a voice I didn't recognize, I quickly held (y/n) closer to me and pulled out my gun and looked around the corner holding my gun up and screamed "who are you!" But I was in shock when I saw go-chuck sitting at the table with it covered in eggs, pancakes and lots of bacon.

"Hello dean you must be wondering why I'm here? Well before you answer that with a snarky comment I came here because one I heard all my children were getting along and second I had to make sure you guys were taking care of (y/n)."

I stood there still confused, why after all this time now he shows up. By now sam was standing next to me with a gun pointing at him too probably got awoken by my screaming I'll have to make it up to him later.

"Guys put the guns down" Gabriel said and started eating at the table with the rest of the angels.

I slowly put my gun down and tucked it away and walked to get (y/n) her breakfast. I started to feed it to her "may I?" Chuck asked me. I looked down at (y/n) and handed her to him and made myself a plate of breakfast and by now sam was eating as well.

It was silent besides everyone trying to create small talk. That was until cas walked in with a face of shock but not until chuck explained why he was here and then it was just plain anger and he stormed out.

(Present time)

Everyone just stared after cas and then at chuck but I put my plate of food down and went after him because he was upset.

I found him in his room standing there staring at the wall "Hey cas you ok?" I asked hesitantly "no dean I'm not ok" he said plainly "ok well I'm here if you need to rant or let anything out" I said.

I was about to leave when I heard a big crash and quickly turned around to see a very pissed off cas throwing and punching random things in his room.

By the time I understood what was happening and dodging random objects flying my way cas was punching the wall so hard that there was blood on it and his knuckles were ripped open.

"CAS STOP!!" I tried saying to catch his attention but by now he moved on to smashing his lamp creating glass all over the floor and started to kick everything in his path but by now I was moving through the room to get to him.

He went back to punching the wall considering that he had nothing left to damage besides himself. I got to him and pulled him away from the wall but it wasn't easy with him fighting me trying to go back but soon finally gave up and set on punching me and trying to get away but I just went with it and held him until he started to cry and sank down to the floor and I went down with him trying to avoid the glass.

He started to sob not knowing how else to let go of his anger he's been pinning up for how long and I sat through it with him. I did this many times for Sammy and I will do it with him and I knew exactly what to do. I just sat and let him cry while holding him just like Sammy and waited until exhaustion took over.

He sobbed and sobbed until it came out in little sniffles and he fell asleep so I took the chance to slide out from under him and grabbed a blanket and a pillow knowing he wasn't gonna move and put the pillow under his head and covered him up and went to grab the first aid kit.

I grabbed everything I needed and made my way back to him and started cleaning his knuckles, some of them would need stitches so I got to work.

After about a half an hour later I finished and wrapped up his hand and he was still asleep so I got up and put everything away and started cleaning up the room.

I picked up the glass first and cut myself a few times but I didn't care and continued to put everything in it's order and fixed the blanket on cas and shut the light off and closed the door so he could sleep.

I walked out with the bag of trash and put it in the kitchen and went to the library where everyone was sitting and weren't talking to each other and was just looking down at the ground or there feet and fidgeting.

I walked in and everyone shot there eyes up at me but I looked away and went to grab (y/n) who was reaching her little arms out towards me.

I grabbed her and sat down next to Sam and watched (y/n) lay down on my chest and fall asleep. "We heard" a small mumble came from Gabriel. I looked up and everyone was staring at me.

I didn't know what to say "yeah... he uh..he needed to get some things off his chest" I said and everyone stared back down at the floor.

The rest of the night everyone was pretty silent besides creating small talk and checking in on cas and yes even chuck because he felt absolutely horrible.

It got pretty late and cas was still sleeping but chuck helped move him to his bed and everyone went to bed in there own room but dean didn't want to leave cas alone so he once again slept on the couch.

Tonight the roles were reversed Dean was watching over cas making sure he was ok and he was ok with that because as long as his family was ok he was ok as well...

(I recently figured out that angels don't sleep and I feel stupid so just bare with me and go along with it 😂)

♥️Always keep fighting♥️

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