He Protecc

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Angels believe themselves above violence, taunting, or any kind of physical threat for that matter—
That doesn't apply to Aziraphale when his demon is being taunted.


Requested by: @snekdan and @ainewithane

Word Count: 1452


Crowley kept his hands in his pockets and his gaze cast down as he made his way, strolling along the street. He wasn't in a particular bad mood, he was simply used to brooding after nearly six millennia of doing just that.
However, it was hard to stay in such a mood when he rounded the corner and nearly bumped into sunshine incarnate. Two round blue eyes blinked down at him, accompanied by a small smile as Aziraphale cocked his head.

"Funny seeing you about, isn't it?" The angel beamed.

"Is it? I am right outside your shop after all." The demon's posture naturally straightened itself.

"Yes, well, do come in please-" Aziraphale began, hastily turning back towards the door.

"Weren't you just heading out?" Crowley snorted in amusement at how quickly Aziraphale had changed corses for the sake of Crowley alone.

"Oh, just to do a bit of shopping," Aziraphale hesitated at the door handle, "The Sunday Market always has the most scrumptious of pies.." He sighed longingly, eyeing the street behind them, closed off as the bakers from around the community set up their booths.

Crowley followed the angel's gaze and sighed softly, "Alright then, let's go." He turned around with a stretch.

"Oh do you really mean it?" Aziraphale grinned widely, hurrying to walk beside Crowley, matching his step as they strode towards the market down the street.

"What else have I got to do? Even if I still was in the job, they never checked on us anyhow." Crowley snorted softly.

"Speak for yourself," Aziraphale's expression faded to a soft frown, "I could always feel upstairs breathing down my neck when I used even a smidge more miracles than they expected I needed to per week...it was dreadful."

"Your type were always acting like they had sticks up their-"

"Crowley-" Aziraphale chided, putting a hand on his back, which did the trick in shutting the serpent up as he unconsciously leaned into it.

"Ah, you know it's true though." Crowley hissed, "A bunch of sticks in the mud is what sticks they are.." He mumbled.

"Yes, well, no worrying about that anymore, eh? All we have to worry about right now is finding the best goodies this market has to offer!" Aziraphale declares as they entered the scene.

Crowley strode along the sidelines of the event, hands in his pockets and shades pressed up high on his nose as he watched Aziraphale through them, a very soft smile threatening to tug at his lips as hell watched how excited the angel got at the smallest of muffins and the fluffiest of bread.
He seemed to talk to every baker as if they went way back, and was collecting at least one item from each booth until he had a plethora of bags.
Crowley thought he might join the angel more closely, but as he took a step towards the white-haired wonder, his eyes flickered upon a familiar face.

"What in the heaven is he-" Crowley began to mutter but quickly slunk into his serpent form, slithering under a nearby table, just behind the one that Aziraphale stood by, to hide from the approaching Gabriel.

He didn't seem to notice Crowley, who stayed hidden under the currently empty booth, he seemed only interested in stopping beside the, now previous, Angel of heaven, gazing at the breads Aziraphale was.
The stouter angel had yet to notice him, until Gabriel let out a quiet hum, and the human attending to the booth appeared to lay his head down for a quick induced nap.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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