6. Snake Way

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Y/n Pov 

Kakarot and I were sat in a transporter taking us to something called the Serpentine road. I was sat with my arms folded and deep in concentration. If I could not train psychically then I would mentally. Kakarot was engaged in mindless chatter with our driver asking about this Kaio-Sama we were going to see. 

We finally arrived at the beginning of the Serpentine road.  Kakarot and I stood edge. 

"So what do we do from here?" Kakarot asks the guide. 

"This roads leads to where Kaio-Sama is. Please earnestly travel along it." 

"How long will it take?" I ask. 

"Considering only one has reached it in the last few billion years..." The guide starts but I give him a look and he stops. 

"Were wasting time Kakarot." I say placing my foot onto the road.

"Please be absolutely careful not to fall off into the clouds." The guide state. Both Kakarot and I turn to look at him.

"Beneath the clouds is where hell is and if you fall you will never return again." The guide explains. 

"Aww man I should have brought a bento lunch or something." Kakarot complains and I furrow my eyebrows annoyed. 

"That's all right sir. You are already dead. Your friend however..." The guide looks at me. 

"I have survived without food before for training this shall be no different." I say irritated. 

"Oh I have a favor to ask before we go." Kakarot starts then turns to the guide. "Do you know Uranai Baba?" He asks him. 

"Yes she comes here every once in a while. The guide replies.

"Thank goodness! The next time she comers ask her to tell Old timer Turtle Hermit not to bring me back till it's been a month." Kakarot tells him and the guides notes it down. 

""Come Kakarot we've wasted enough time with this!" I shout and Kakarot chuckles well rubbing the back of his head. He jumps onto the serpentine road besides me and we begin to make our way along it. 

 Gohan Pov

I suddenly woke up in a pool of water and I resurfaced breathing deeply and coughing.

"We need to talk. Come up out of the water!" I hear a voice say and I turn around to see a green man in a turban. 

"Who are you?" Father?" I look around for Father. "Father! Where are you!? Save me! Father! Father!" I cry out. 

"Sheesh you dirty brat! Don't give me trouble!" The green skinned man says as he picks me up by my clothes but I continue to cry. 

"Stop your bawling! If you don't get quiet I'm goign to snap your neck!" He shouts at me and I quiet down to sniffling. 

"Listen close to what I have to say. Firstly your father has died." He says and I stood there shocked.

"You remember a little bit of that right? In order to defeat that man he sacrificed himself." This green man tells me and I get teary again. 

"Hey now don't cry or I really will snap your neck!" I stop and carry on sniffling at the loss of father now. 

"You've heard about the dragon balls from your father right? Goku's friends should be gathering them to bring him back to life. However thats not what the problem is. We managed to deal with the guy who kidnapped you but in one month from now it seems some even more terrible friends of his will be coming. Once they do even with having Son Goku returned to life there's absolutely no chance of us winning with just him and myself. That other one can't trusted..We need your power too. Train yourself to learn the tactics of fighting and defend the earth!" The man shouts at me. 

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