Chapter 70: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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The school week passed in a flash, and Caleb, and all his clones everywhere where banging their heads against some sort of surface at impossible speeds. They where all thinking the same thing...


Let's just say.... SCP's and some Stranger Things involving the Supernatural... That being said... the members of team CREN are having lunch with their friends from other worlds.

[Quest: Find the Hidden Discepticon before it get's to the CCT]
Search Beacon for the Discepticon before it get's to the CCT.
You can go all out, but you have to do this alone.
This is a penalty quest for not yet escorting Bumblebee.

Finish that Quest Afterwards
Rewards: X1 Energon shard X1 Transformium.

Caleb: "Shit..."

Ryuko: "What's the matte--"

Chara: "You guys have been really silent!!"

The members of team CREN look at each other.

Caleb: "Okay. Before you do all your questioning things, I feel like you guys should go back home"

Asriel: "What?!"

Frisk: "We just got used to Beacon!"

Caleb: "Okay, and you have a mother who doesn't know how these school work, or what they're training us to do--Also! We kinda left without warning! So, you guys need to get back, or else I'm gonna have a bad time!"

Chara, Frisk and Asriel all stopped in a silent fear at those words.

Caleb: "And you guys need to go back to Hidden Heaven Village!"

Ryuko/Satsuki/The Elite four: "What?!"

Caleb: "Yeah! You guys have fought enough for once in your life time! That's unhealthy for you! Please, just... This is also for your safety... It'd be bad enough if General hard ass finds out about anyone on Team CREN or BRJV! But if they got their hands on any of you... No one would stop me from--!!"

Ethan put his hand and Caleb's shoulder.

Ethan: "Whoa, there partner. Put the guns away."

Caleb: "I have issues man. A lot occurred in my 'Childhood' and I still gotta find a way to--Ugh, never mind"

Caleb got up from the table.

Caleb: "If they allowed under age drinking, I'd be the first in line for one.... Nah."

Caleb walked out of the dinning hall, which caused a few heads to turn.

Ethan: "Says the man who is like, what, 34 now?"

Rory/Nathan: "Oh yeah, I guess that's technically true."

Everyone else: "WHAT?!"

Nathan: "No, but seriously, everyone should get going. I feel like Caleb has something greater in mi--Oh... Ooooooooooh, fuck.... Yeah, you should really all go back."

Ethan: "Why? What happened?"

Nathan: "I just got hit with knowledge...."

Rory: "Hold on a second... Doesn't that only happen to Caleb?"

Nathan: ...

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