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Jungkook quietly hums a tune to himself as he makes his way to the kitchen, wide doe eyes searching the contents of the fridge as he taps his fingers rhythmically on the door

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Jungkook quietly hums a tune to himself as he makes his way to the kitchen, wide doe eyes searching the contents of the fridge as he taps his fingers rhythmically on the door.

"Noona!" Jungkook calls out as he sees his precious item missing.

"Yes Kookie?" She replies from the living room.

"Did we run out of banana milk?" He asks with a slight pout.

EunMin slightly gasps and rushes to the kitchen, scratching her head when she confirms that the item is missing. "I'm sorry Kookie. I forgot to buy some."

"It's alright noona." Jungkook reassures with a smile, knowing that the past couple of days hadn't been the best. After a brief pause, Jungkook hesitantly opens his mouth to ask something, his heart pumping harder as he does so. "Can I go to the store and get some more?"

At his request, EunMin pauses for a second, doubt and worry clouding her mind for a brief moment, but after recalling the situation with Taehyung she pushes those feelings down and nods, giving him a small smile.

"Sure. It's just a few blocks away." She says and Jungkook pulls her into a hug.

"Thank you noona! I'll be right back!" He says jumping in his spot for a few seconds before he runs to his room to get changed.

"Make sure to cover up properly and take your phone." Namjoon says as Jungkook walks past him.

"Yes hyung!" Jungkook shouts back accompanied by the sound of tussling around the room.

Moments later, Jungkook reappears fully dressed from head to toe so nothing slips out.

"What do you think?" He asks waiting for the detectives answer.

"You did a good job Kook." Namjoon says giving the boy a thumbs up.

"Yes!" Jungkook says beaming with excitement. "I'll be back in a bit then!" He says with a wave of his hand.

"Be careful!"


Jungkook stuffs his hands in his pockets as he continues to hum, swinging his arms from side to side along with the melody, his lips curving into a smile as he hears the bells of the convenience store doors gently ring as they close.

"Welcome." The cashier greets with a bow as he walks into the store, the boy returning it with a smile as he heads towards the dairy section.

As his eyes scan the rows of products, Jungkook realizes that going to the convenience stores can be overwhelming if you've never gone to one before. Nevertheless, he grabs his precious item and heads to the cashier, placing the pack on the counter.

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