chapter thirteen!

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skies were starting to clear for genesis jones.

sadie was on her mind at all times, but she was starting to heal.

charlie wasn't as concerned, so she didn't come around as much. she was eating fine on her own, sleeping healthily, drinking enough water, etc.

one day, gen decided to leave her apartment for the first time in weeks.

she threw on a light shirt and grey sweatpants. she was looking through her closet for hoodies, when she found one of sadie's.

it was just a plain red one, so she saw no harm in wearing it. it's not like anyone would know it's hers. gen brushed her teeth, threw her hair up, grabbed her backpack and walked out the door.

fresh air felt nice.

she started wandering around the city, eventually finding a nice cafe. she ordered a hot chocolate to go,  but it didn't taste the same.

she found a nice park bench, sitting down. she pulled out it and began to reread.

she had finished it a while before the breakup, but she couldn't bring herself to leave the house and buy a new book.

panic slowly settled in.

night was falling.

gen forgot about her fear. she forgot how sadie would walk her home.

soon it was completely dark, and gen was terrified. she had to walk alone.

she soon stood up, trying to seem confident. it worked, her fear slowly faded.

the feeling suddenly returned, as gen heard footsteps behind her. she quickened her pace, hearing the footsteps quicken as well. she started to panic even more, starting to lightly jog. she wasn't far from her apartment, but fear caused her to take a wrong turn. then another, then another...

gen was now on a street she didn't recognize. she was now spiriting, the footsteps still following. she heard them eventually get closer, and closer, closer.

hands suddenly grabbed as her waist, causing gen to scream. a hand covered her mouth.

gen did the only thing she could think of.

she bit the person's hand. after the person groaned, pulling their hand away, she elbowed them in what she hoped was their side. she heard a thud, turning to see a man on the ground.

she kicked him once more, where the sun don't shine, just to make sure he stayed there. she then ran in a random direction, not caring about getting home, only away.

she found herself on an even less recognizable street, tears suddenly streaming down her face. she pulled herself into an empty alley, curling herself into a ball.

her lungs burned. she couldn't breathe, or feel. she only felt the burn of her lungs.

she reached into her purse, searching for something familiar. she pulled out her phone. she choked at the time, 1:47. she unlocked the phone, calling the one person she could think of.

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