....I Couldn't Be Alone....

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"I love you"

The words just flew out of my mouth. I tightened my grip around Sana and put my head in the crook of her neck. What made me say that.

She rubbed my back. I looked up. She had a smile on her face.

"Jihyo...I love you too" I loved someone and they loved me. I felt the feeling of joy flow through my body. It was the first time in a while I felt like this.


I didn't think I'd hear those words today but It happened. Jihyo loves me and I love her.

Her shaking had stopped and the tears had dried up.

"I'll wait Jihyo, I'll wait until your ready to tell me about your past. Just know I'll always be here because I love you so much" I did love her, she was the first thing that came to mind and that last thing I'd think of at the end of the day.

"I promise I'll try to tell you...it's just hard"

"Jihyo! I'm hungry hurry up!" She was Taking an extra long shower tonight. I should have joined her but I wanted to give her time to reflect on everything that just happened.

A minute later she came out. "What do we have?"

I walked over and opened the pantry.
"Not there, think healthy Sana"

I rolled my eyes then sadly opened the freezer.
There was nothing but meat and chicken.

"Here how about this. I have a cooker for this in the basement house. We just need to get it"
She pulled out some marinated meat. It looked surprisingly good.

"I'll go get it!" I ran over and knocked on the door that was the entrance to Nayeons place.

No one answered. "Ahh.."

"I'll get it you stay here" "I want to see"

"Fine just be quite their probably sleeping." I nodded and followed her down the long flight of stairs.

"It's like we're entering a dungeon" "Shh..It should be in the pantry"

The place was pretty small. I looked over in the corner and saw a bed. There was one big lump under the covers. I heard light giggles.

I pulled Jihyo to the floor. "Wh—" I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Did you hear that?"    "No. It's probably just Sana and Jihyo up stairs."

"Oh I forgot about them." Jihyo started to move away.

"They finally fucking made up. Jihyo grew up for once in her life...finally understands what love can do to you"

"You think their in love?" 

"I don't know..probably not but it's weird how different Jihyos been right?"

"Yeah I've noticed that. I think their head over heels in love. It's cute. I hope they get married and have lots of children."

"In your dreams Nayeon.."

"Well then maybe we can do it..."

"I don't know" there was a sudden silence then a huge bang.

"Shit!" I stood up and ran over to Jihyo who had fallen on the floor with the cooker in hand.
"Are you ok Jihyo?!"

"Yes but I don't think the cooker is.." I looked down and it was in pieces all over the floor.

"What the hell are you two doing down here?!"
The light flashed on and a half naked Jeongyeon stared us down from above.

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