Chapter Twelve

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• Present Day •

They were all sat around the dining table as Shigure finished the story. Tohru was crying silently as she listened to his heartbreaking love story.

Shigure gazed longingly at Amai's picture. "I never saw her again. Hatori is the one who gives me updates on her. He keeps an eye on her from afar. That was the favour I asked of him. At least I know she's safe and happy. She works at an elementary school and she lives in an apartment close to the school. Apparently she still wears the necklace I gave her." He smiled sadly. "It was so hard to get used to living without her. Even for Yuki and Kyo." Said boys were both staring off into space but they were still listening. "It's funny... We managed fine without her before she came into our lives but once she was gone, we were all lost. It took a long time to get used to everything again. And it wasn't long before Yuki and Kyo started fighting again." He sighed softly. "Not a day goes by when I don't think of Amai. I have never forgiven Akito but I know Amai wouldn't have wanted us to be sad."

Tohru understood now why Shigure was always so cheerful. It was for Amai. He was always happy on the outside but his heart had been hurting for three years.

Kyo noticed her crying and frowned. "Oh jeez, why are you crying?"
She sniffled, wiping her eyes. "It... It's such a sad story..."
Shigure chuckled and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "I didn't mean to make you cry, Tohru."
Kyo looked away again and rested his chin in his hand. "What's the point in being sad about something you can't control?" he said coldly. "She's gone now and she's never coming back."
Yuki's head lowered, his hair shadowing over his eyes. "She was the first one to ever truly understand us. She gave us hope. Even when she got hurt, she was ready to fight for us."
Shigure sighed. "You two aren't helping. Come on now. Cheer up."

Without saying anything more, Kyo stood and left the room to go up onto the roof. Yuki soon left himself leaving Shigure and Tohru alone.

Shigure smiled softly. "I'm sorry about those two. They were hit pretty hard."
"It's totally understandable," she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Wouldn't you ever want to see her again?"
"I've been tempted but it would just take me back to square one. It took me three years just to get this far." He placed the frame on the table. "I didn't write another piece of work since she left but I've decided to release one soon. It will be a sequel to the book I wrote for her and I'll be releasing it on her birthday."
Tohru smiled happily. "I'm sure she'll love it."
"I hope so." He returned the smile before standing. "I'm going to go for a walk. I'll be back before dinner."
She nodded. "Okay! See you soon!"

He then left. Tohru looked back at the photo of Amai.

 Tohru looked back at the photo of Amai

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"I really hope you come back, Amai."


Shigure did go for a walk but it was to the Sohma Estate. He went to the Main House and then to Akito's room.

"Akito, I'm coming in," he called out.

He slid open the door to find her sitting weakly in the middle of the room. She had become weaker over the years and that only brought him joy in a selfish way.

He smirked. 'It bring me great pleasure to see you suffering, Akito. But I won't be satisfied until you feel the same pain that you made me endure.'

"Shigure?" she spoke quietly. "Is that you?"
"Yes." He made his way over to her as she looked up at him. He smiled. "I missed you."
"You did?"
He crouched down and held her face. "Of course. I'm the only one who truly cares about you, Akito. I'm the only one who loves you."

(A short chapter but a necessary one.)

To Love's End | Shigure SohmaWhere stories live. Discover now