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Okay. So basically I'm just using this as a way for me to get feelings out because I can't talk to my family or friends about it. And just to let others know about me, I guess. Idk. But anyways. Lately I've been extremely angry, I've been like this since April 22. The day after my ex-boyfriends birthday. And we're not dating now because of my parents. And I have a lot of hate in me because of it. And I am ignoring one of my friends which is also my neighbor because everytime we make plans she either ditches me, leaves in the middle of something, or we end up not talking at all. And it makes me so mad at her. And I don't think that my cousins dad wants me to be around them because he thinks of me as a bad influence. Which I can't really blame him on that because of some of the stuff that I did and still do. For example not to long ago I got in trouble with the police and maybe 2 years ago I got the police called on me. Sooooo. Yaaaaa. But so I don't know if y'all care or want to know what I look like or any information on me. And for the information you can just ask me questions and I will answer them on the next part? But for what I look like. I have redish hair with bangs and the length is to my shoulders. And I have freckles, I don't know how tall I am but my eyes are hazel I think. But I'm 14 and my birthday is April 12. But I'm gonna stop now. Bye Bye!! Talk to y'all later! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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