Chapter 37

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You stand there in front of the shop anxiously, rocking back and forth on your heels as you wait for Mark's arrival.

You've been dating for about a few weeks now and he's finally gained up the courage to actually ask you out on one. You spent the night at Sana's house just so she could give you some advice since you were nervous.

It's been a while since you've ever been on one. Jaemin has taken you on many, but it's different since it's Mark. The last time you ever hung out with Mark was on his birthday which actually got interrupted by he who must not be named.

When you finally see him, your chest tightens and you grip at the edge of your shirt. He sends you a smile and you feel your knees weaken.

He approaches you and you force a frown on your lips to hide your flustered appearance. You cross your arms over your chest, hesitating to look up at him.

"Hi, princess." He greets, placing a hand on your shoulder and you jump a bit.

You clear your throat, glancing down at his wrist then at him. "What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That thing on your arm." You gesture your head at the object.

His eyes squint in confusion and his head cocks to the side. "My watch?"

"And what do people usually use watches for?" You question and a sudden smirk appears on his lips. He grasps you by the arm, forcing you into a hug and you groan.

"Oh, you're mad because I'm late."

You hum against his chest, pulling back to walk the other way even if you had no idea where you're going. He follows you with a huff. "You know you're cute when you're mad."

Your lips purse at his words and your hands press to your side. When you glance over at him, you notice he's also looking at you which made you briefly avert your eyes forward. He grins to himself, stopping in his tracks seizing at your arm to halt you as well.

He holds out his hand and you stare at it, brows arching in utter uncertainty. "Waffles or pancakes?"

You giggle. "What?"

Mark grasp at your hand, flattening it out as he lays his hand to line up with yours. His fingers intertwine with yours in a lock. "This is waffles," He says, unlocking your hands then down-facing your palm onto his, "And this is pancakes."

You're kinda stunned at the fact that he has this side of him and you like it. It's cute.

You can't help the smile that's slowly creeping its way on your mouth. "I like waffles."

"Me too." He says quite alluringly as he interlocks your fingers together.


"You really like watermelon, huh?"

Your nose scrunches as the woman sets down yet another bowl full of cubed watermelon. He only chews happily on one of the cubes, nodding.

Earlier you both decided to take a break at a cafe from all the walking you did around town. You've ordered drinks and of course, watermelon was the first thing he saw on the menu.

"Love." He corrects you and you roll your eyes playfully.

You pick at the watermelon cubes in front of you with your fork, already feeling full from the first portion. Holding out your hand under the fork, you bring it towards his mouth. "Say ahh."

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