Chapter 13

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Heyyyyyyyy! I just finished the artsy stuff ^_^

Thank you for all the support and votes! Any questions for me or the characters, you can write in the comments of the Story Special!


If I had to describe my morning with one word. It would be nauseous. Before I won the art contest, before I went to the aquarium–I had a routine. Get up, work out, wash up, eat breakfast while catching up on my favorite tv show, draw, help my dad out at his photography studio, look for a job, dinner then bed. Next day would repeat. Now, I don't even know how my day is going to go every morning.

And that part freaked me out.

I didn't know what's going to happen and I try not to think too much about it. How did I I get here? I recalled all the choices I made; writing my first message to Tristen, drawing Tristen, opening the secret door and returning to the aquarium nearly everyday. All because I waved back to a merman. What have I done? I looked to the right, one of my many sources of my internal chaos.

Bodhi happily bounces along to the music playing from my radio as I drove.

And befriending a crazed mermaid. I mentally added that to my list of choices I made as well. I still couldn't believed I met her twenty four hours ago. It feels like I've known her forever.

    I sighed, remembering my parent's shocked face when all the boxes showed up with Bodhi's stuff from the hotel. I spent all morning helping Bodhi moved her shoes to the guest house, trying to not puke. Bodhi made me sit while–with her mer super strength–carrying three large boxes stacked at once. My eyes had boggled at that and hissed at her to not do that since my mom was home. My dad left to his work.

    I restlessly drummed my fingers on my steering wheel.

    "I have a theory!" Bodhi shouted over the music.

    I turned the music down while the squelching the nausea down. "What?" My skin pricked in nervousness. Was my world about to flip on me again? What's next, vampires?

    "Since you're immune to the glamour, maybe you can see through it?" She suggested. Once we made it to the dreaded parking lot of the aquarium, I parked and turned to face her. What did she mean if I can see through it?

"See through what?" I asked.

    "The glamour."

    Exasperated of not knowing things and disliking how this was becoming an occurring thing. I'm not a fan of surprises. "What is a glamour specifically?" I clarified. "You mentioned it earlier and I thought it was like a spell with no form."

    "That's the thing though, glamour is much more complex than a spell." She scoffed. "We're not witches with magic. It's simple science."

    More intrigued, "Science?" Finally something I can understand.

    "Simple bending of the air, or rather atoms." She shrugged. "I didn't really pay attention in my classes so I couldn't really give you the specifics of how glamour works. To simply put it, we can bend the air around us to alter our appearance as well alter memories."


    "Beings that are not of the human race, but of sidhe race–like the mers, fay, pixies, goblins, incubuses and more."

    I stilled. "Pixies are real?"

    She shrugged. "Yeah, anyway..." She continued talking, but I didn't hear a single word after that.

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