Episode 9 Felicia VS Taokaka

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My eighth chapter for episode 8

Felicia belongs to Capcom.

Taokaka belong to Arc System Works.

Death Battle belongs to Screwattack.

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum (R.I.P).

HostGator and soundtrack belong to their respective owners.

I own NONE of the Copyright.

As they prepared for a more interesting fight, they again looked back at the last episode.

Yoshi vs Riptor was a combination of interest and absurdness. The fight was a bit short (at 55 seconds) and it was strange for pitting a cute, harmless looking character against a fierce, bloodthirsty one, especially that they were dinosaurs. But they felt both shock and joy that Yoshi defeated Riptor and they liked him better overall for both his cute appearance and unique abilities (Like Zwei).

Death Battle keeps getting more interesting as they watch. They even wonder how much fun and interest JNPR is experiencing watching the shows they borrowed right now, especially Pyrrha seeing Wonder Woman. The more episodes RWBY watches the more they want to watch. But they promised five episodes per night is enough, especially when they have training and homework to do.

"Alright gang." Ruby said. "One more episode after this one and off to bed. We need to study again for another test tuesday and also continue our training." Yang slowly muttered that she has to deal with the brain frying math along with their project Oobleck gave them, Blake assured Yang she will help her as she's decent with math. Weiss has an upcoming test for history but she's confident she'll ace it. Ruby has a special assignment for the special properties of Silver Dust which Weiss will help her as well. The project, however, they will deal with that later since that's due Wednesday. For now, they will continue for two more episodes and then they will deal with their other personal concerns.

On with Episode 9

After HostGator was being mentioned, the show began as the familiar title of Death Battle

shows. They see the two catgirls from the teaser clashing claws.

This will get interesting.

Blake, however, isn't sure if she should like this and feel proud because they resemble cat faunus like her, which gave her a slight hint of pride, or she should feel a bit offended at how the one cat faunus looks due to her appearance of covered in fur in certain places while mostly being bare skinned. She'll tolerate it at best for now, unless Boomstick steps in with his usual perverted demeanor. Might as well enjoy it the best.

(*Cue "Invader" Jim Johnston*)

Boomstick: Catfight!

"Here we go." Blake said sarcastically.

Wiz: It literally is Boomstick. Not only do we have two ferocious females in the ring today, but they're also, well, cats.

Boomstick: Felicia the pop-star, demon, cat chick lady.

Wiz: And Taokaka, Blazblue's speedy vigilante.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skill to find out who would win a Death Battle.

(cue Felicia's theme from Marvel vs Capcom 3)

Upon closer the look, the catgirl has shown many of the features they seen before; Blue hair with white streaks, cat paws and feet tipped with pink, sharp claws, a cat tail and a slim waist. They notice some depictions show her having Sapphire blue eyes compared to her personal emerald green on her beautiful face. Despite resembling a cat faunus, Blake notes that she doesn't appear to have any human ears with her cat ears, and her breasts and lower abdomen are barely covered by her snow white fur.

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