Chapter 36

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Continued from last chapter.

"From what he's told me you're his wife." this op stared at me. "Is that right."


"How long y'all been together."

"I believe together on and off for about a year and some change maybe two, a year married now." I answered the other man.

"Okay." he nodded. "Just making sure." then he turned to Jordon.

I watched as he stared at our hands that were still linked together.

"Detective Olinsky here told me that you were her brother. Last I heard you were dead, news and all."

"To protect her and my family."

"You can go to jail for that you know." said Olinsky to my brother. "Not very smart to continue to use your name."

"I mean y'all the ops so I'm sure y'all would've figured it out."

Voight stared at us. "Ops huh."

"C never mentioned who you were let alone police."

"I take it you two don't mix well with our kind."

"No." I kept it plain and simple.

He nodded opening his mouth to speak but his walkie talkie went off.

"Ten-one, ten-one, twenty-six, twenty-two. Shots have been fired." both of the cops looked at each other.

"Patrol twenty-six, twenty-two you have the air, I need an location." asked the dispatcher.

"Officer down, my partners been shot. Six-fifty Northridge. Officer shot, please send help."

"We gotta go." said Officer Olinsky to Voight.

He nodded looking at us. "You stay, you let's go."

Grabbing my arm his short ass basically pulled me out the door.


Pulling up to the scene there were nothing but Ops everywhere.

I watched as Voight got out the car then looked at me.

"Imma stay hea'."

"Lock my doors." I rolled my eyes making sure to keep my head down.

Carter ass better be lucky I like him cause I wouldn't be here right now.


Back at the police station my legs shook as Voight turned off his car.

"Well don't you look nervous."

I scoffed. "I can't go in thea' with my face exposed."

"Hmph." he grabbed a hoodie out the backseat. "Put that on and these cuffs."  

I did what was told not getting any weird vibes so I think I'm cool.

When we were buzzed into the door leading upstairs all eyes were on me.

"Sarge, what's going on." one detective asked.

"Yeah." a blonde hair girl added. "Who's this."

Once the cuffs were off I pulled the hoodie off. "Um I'm-."

"Invisible." Voight cut me off. "Don't worry about her, sit."

I frowned plopping down folding my arms.

"Alright, what do we got."

A Latino man placed a picture on a board of I'm guessing the officer who was shot.

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