Chapter 25-Doncaster we are here

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"No! I WANNA MEET THIS BOY!" I yelled at Nicola. We were sat in our pjs watching movies and talking bout boys. We all burst out laughing. "RUTH DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL BOY IN YOUR LIFE?" she rolled her eyes. "Maybe, maybe not but-" she was cut off by the doorbell ringing. "I'LL GET IT!" I screamed. I opened the door to dani. "Room for one more?" the curly-haired girl at the door asked. I screamed. "What-WHAT IS IT?" I heard Ruth yelling from the living room. She came running up to the door. "DANI!!!" she yelled and hugged her. "Hey guys! Room for one more?" dani asked. "Always room for you love." Nicola said walking up to the door. "Ugh Nicola I haven't seen you in like-5months!!" dani exclaimed bringing in Nicola for a hug. She laughed. "I know right?" she laughed. "Thanks for my hug dani! Love you too!" she ran into me for a bone crushing hug. "Gurl we need to talk." she whispered in my ear as she hugged me. "I know right? Come back to London with me tomorrow?" I asked. "ugh I have work. Maybe in a few weeks" she whispered back. Tonight was going to be a good night.

"Nemo! Nemo don't. Touch. The. Boat." the movie went on. "Ooooh Nemo touched the boat. Bad fish!" Nicola laughed. My phone started to buzz in my pocket. "Hey guys I'm just gonna go answer this call. People have been trying to call me all day." I said "Yeah yeah be quiet. The shark is coming towards Nemo!" Nicola said and I laughed and walked off towards my bedroom.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone, forgetting to check the caller ID before I answered. "Oh my god! Finally you answer! LOUIS! HERE YOU GO SHE ANSWERED!" I heard the familiar Cheshire voice shout. I waited a couple of minutes listening to the laughter and yelling in the background. "Hello! ELI!?" Louis yelled. "Yes Lou. I'm here no need to yell babe!" I chuckled. "Oh my god I miss you so much. I miss your kisses." Lou whined. I laughed. "I miss your kisses to babe." he laughed. "Well how have you been?! I get back tomorrow night! " he yelled. "Lou-bear stop yelling." I laughed. "Sorryyyy! So how have you been?" he asked. "I've been GREAT!" I lied. "I know your lying love. We need to talk soon. How about on october 26th we hang out cause that's when I get back to London from Doncaster. You know, you can only take so much of your family." I laughed. "I know." I chuckled. "Imma be on my own anyway when I get back." I said sadly. "Awe why?" Louis said. "Well Emily went to visit her second cousins and her grandparents in Florida for like 6 months. She said she's even thinking of staying there. So that's been bringing me down too." I said honestly. "Awe well babe why don't you come to Doncaster with me and come visit my mum and sisters again? Lottie has been asking for you. She loves the idea of an older sister." Louis said. "Awe Lou I would love to but I don't want to be a bother so I will just get my shift back at nandos or something and then just work off the debt and rent." I sighed. "NO! You are coming to Doncaster with me whether you like it or not! So I will come with Liam to your house tomorrow and then we will leave to go to Doncaster okay?" "No Lou! I don't want to be a pest! I will just stay at home. Dani and I can chill when she doesnt have work and stuff." I could almost see Louis rolling his eyes. Louis sighed on the other side of the phone. "Kay 1.) dani has work for like 1 month. 2.) your coming whether you like it or not. 3.) I love you." I giggled. "Fine I will come only if you ask Jay of its okay first." he sighed. "FINE!" I looked over at the clock. "Hey Lou shouldn't you be going to bed? It's like 3am there!" he chuckled. "Actually 3:30am but I have to catch a plane in 2hours so whats the point in sleeping?" I laughed. "Fine but I have to go. I'm watching Nemo! And Nicola and Ruth and dani are waiting for me!" he laughed "Okay have fun! I love you baby." I smiled. "I love you too. See you tomorrow hun." I replied and he hung up.

----THE NEXT DAY---- 

I woke up to someone kissing me lightly on the lips. "Morning sleeping beauty." i heard a voice say. I opened my eyes to see Louis. "LOUIS YOU'RE HOME!" I shouted jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yep. I missed you beautiful." he whispered. "I missed you way more!" I whispered into his lips. I smashed my lips to his. Our tongues gliding together. "Mmmm" he moaned. I opened my eyes a smiled at him. "You seem really skinny love. Are you eating? Are you sick? Are-" I cut him off. "I'm fine babe." he nodded with sad eyes. "Eh. What time is it?" I asked. "Almost 2pm." my eyes widened in shock. "Really?" he nodded. "Go get ready love. We are going to Doncaster today." I smiled and nodded. "I'm really excited. But did you check with Jay first?" I asked him. "Yep and she's very excited to see you. She said your welcome anytime." I smiled. "NOW! Go get ready!" I nodded and grabbed my clothes for today and headed for the bathroom.

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